I have a lightly used Gransfors Bruks splitting maul I would like to trade. I have kept the head oiled with gun oil and oiled the handled with BLO a couple of times. I would be highly surprised if I have split a half of a cord with it. I have other mauls that are not as nice that I grab first only because this one is so nice or use my fiskars because I leave it in the truck just to preserve this one. I dont recall what these sell for but would really rather just trade this. It was given to me and while I hate to get rid of it I hate for it to sit here unused even more. I have owned it just over a year. Would really like to trade for a Wetterlings appalachian forrest axe but would also consider a maul by Mueller, GB scandinavian forrest axe, Velvicut bad boys bad axe, vevlivut large felling axe or Wetterlings scandinavian forrest axe. Looking for something at least as big as a scandinavian forest axe and on the same quality level as GB. The sheath is in new condition but will oil it with Obenauf's before I ship it. Thanks for looking.