Gotcha, ... Current Screamers in different variations start with an open bartacked full strength runner then collapsed with stitching. But both the clip in points stay within the system which remains at full strength 22kn+. It looks like you've got something else, two separate pieces of tubular sewn together? I am assuming there are two ends where your forefinger is in the photo. If the tape simply bends where your finger is then it appears to fail the desired effect of full breakaway.
I kind of like the idea. I need to inspect my breakaway and see how much stitching there is. Both screamers and the buckingham deploy between 2 and 3 kn. If the buck is only an inch or so, it doesn't seem like it would take to much to ante up 250 pounds. Of course hanging on while 6" deploys doesn't sound much fun either. Safe cuts on big wood must be the solution.
I would really like to see light replaceable load limiters built into harnesses with an actuation force of a few hundred pounds. I guess then our gear would have to go from "work positioning" to "fall protection."