begley, I agree, ehp is number one in my book as well as most here. But, in the past, Ken Dunn was just as highly regarded, as was DozerDan till there were some obvious problems with his work..Same with Dennis Greffard, from whom I have 4 modded saws, all strong runners, but he turned into a head case. Dave Neiger has a great reputation, but is quite inactive here. Dean has had a few problems, but seems to have handled them well. Only a few here have given feedback about his saws, and I recall nothing negative in any way. Simon, on the other hand, has an ego the size of the Grand Canyon, which means, if he were on the rim. he'd be primed for a mighty big fall, based on his incredible personna. As well, i'd never pay the ridiculous prices that he charges....a new saw at list plus $, puts the outlay on one of his way way above, say, Ed's, for example. Besides, in my experience, the biggest gains can be had with a simple muffler port, easily done by anyone.
Modded saws:
200T stock, screen removed
335XPT, dual port muffler, 15% faster than 200t
335Cali dual muffler, same as Cali
338XPT, ported and modded by Dan Henry, same as 335.....$200 wasted
Shindaiwa 488 Greffardized nice saw
Solo651SP " " ok, but not that fast
346XP " " great saw still going strong after over 3 years
3120XP " " " " " " " "
357XP ehp awesome
373XP ehp "
372 Walkerized still a fast runner after 3+ years
192T ehp, keeps up with stock 200T in small wood, cheap and at 6.6 lb, a sweet little saw..not a toy!!!
old old Husky 44, modded muffler, wow, it is not far behind the 346!!
044, power tuned byMadsen's and muffler done by me, runs great, in need of rebuild
066 dual port,1995 or so model, 7.7 hp, a screamer for a stocker, why mod it?
Soon to be in transit from ehp, a 346 and a 5100 with a pipe as well as muffler, so I can pioneer piped saw treetop action
and an old failed rod bearing 372 which Ed has and will rebuild and mod if he deems it worthy