I have been told by many that with my hunting, fishing and trapping, if I ever went to Alaska I would not come back down. So I stay down here. I couldn't leave the grand babies so far away. And yes, I will stick around. As I said before, there is an endless supply of information and good people here. So yur stuck with me!
>So yur stuck with me!
won't be the first time I been 'stuck'!! lol. j/k
don't feel too bad about staying down here in the lower 48... I have been to Alaska a few times and read quite abit about life in the bush up there... some to include the adventures of 'trappers'... it's an adventure not even too many seasoned, experienced trappers on 'the trapline' always relish... the beauty of the seaons are endless, and the challenges more than most are up to... for winter trap line running includes a life-style brutal at times by almost anyone's standards... ie, -40F and winds howling.... and that can be on a calm day!! lol
in Alaska... especially north of Fairbanks in the midsts of Freeze UP! by even the most comprehensive understandings... they redefine the word: cold!