Greffard, Madsen, Walker, Dunn, (sounds like a law firm, doesn't it?)

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Jan 15, 2002
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All these outfits do fantastic work, uphold the ultimate in customer service, deliver what and when they say they will and are out right brilliant saw modifiers. It is my understanding that each has their own level of modification as well as method. My inquiry is NOT a "who's the best" but a glossary, if you will, of what each house specializes in and at what cost. Can anyone give us the "Reader's Digest" version of what these men do for saws?
By the by, thanks to all of you guru''re a credit to your trade and you make alot of people on the forum very happy with your work.
Is the world ready for a "Gyrosized" saw????
I will step up to the plate....

The first name you need to know... Dunn...
'nuff said...i wouldnt know the first thing about a saw if it werent for this man...

the Rupley brothers....Mike and Jon...fantastic builders..not enough credit or exposure given to these guys....but they showed us good in Clearwater..wait till next year boys;)

Walkers....been in the business for about my lifetime,...outstanding work for the price they and easy to deal with...never heard a bad word....

Madsens...heard only good things... I dont know their business well....never dealt with them....
A thousand apologies to the Rupley brothers. I didn't realize the took on outside work. Kudos to you fellas as well!.
Saw Builders

Hello ABS members,
Dennis Greffard (GREFFARDIZE) does outstanding work, nice running saws
Danny Henry, a ABS member from central pennsylvania, also builds very strong running woods saws for the fallers in that area. he sent me some figures on his saws against john walkers saws and the cutting times were impressive. his e-mail address is
Danny Henry
dozerdan@sunbelt. link

Phone No. 570-658-6232
Give him a call or e-mail dan for more info
ken kdhotsaw2
I think I'm gonna be sending my new 385XP out to someone for some well deserved mod's.I have yet to decide who it will be but it will be asap....

Later Rob........
385 husky

hello rob,
thats really a nice saw and when dennis or I modify it we get about 45- 50 % increase in cutting speed. makes for a nice woods saw.
I think what seesaw was asking is a comparison of the different builders.

How about an example using ...oh, say a Stihl 046.
Or a Husky 385XP, take your choice.

KD would charge '$X' to do 'Y' for 'Z%' improvement in HP and torque.
Dennis would charge '$X' to do 'Y' for 'Z%' improvement. Etc.

Most of us are aware that these guys have excellent reputations, but many of us do not have enough info to make a decision as to who we want to use or how hot we want our saws.

Yeah it should definetly make a great woods saw,I use it all
day 6 days a week.It runs a 20" and a 32" bar most of the time a 32" for felling the big Pines,and alot of Oak's.

How can I get in touch with you about some mods email etc..

Thanks Rob....
Exactly Brian. You're xyz example was just the kind of thing I'm looking for so we can all make an informed decision and learn more about what each builder does.
Thanks treeclimber165!
Saw Builders


Thanks for all you kind works about me.Maybe some day my name will be as common as Ken or Dennis,when people are talking about saw builders.
If anyone is interested in my PP process (Power Ported),please feel free to email or call me.If you are local,stop in for a test drive.
Ken your 088 carb and 2100 Husky parts are in the mail.
Danny Henry
[email protected]
570 658 6232
In order to compare each saw-tuner's work, one would have to run them side by each, under the same conditions, I'd think. Not only that, but one would want to do it over time, to see if there was any difference in how performance slowly degrades over time.

Pretty tough to do. The westerners, I'm sure, are accustomed to setting saws up for different conditions than in the east. Different users have different styles, and I imagine the tuner may want to interview the customer to learn how he prefers to use the product. When I buy a new saw, at least one shop adjusts the carb differently for me than for some other customers...if he knows a customer is a little harder on a saw he'll richen the mix up and drop the rev's a little below spec's.

I'd also be a little reticent about asking pointed questions like this about some forum members on the public forum....some of this is about trade secrets and livelihoods, and wouldn't you say it's a bit unfair to expect to start a war between friends and sit back licking your chops?
Maybe I wasn't clear when I posted. My intentions were NOT to create a "who's the best". Props were given(I think) to all the talent involved. This question was not intended to be a poll or to expose trade secrets. What I was after, and I know I'm not alone on this, was a better idea of what each offers so the consumer could make an informed decision when choosing which outfit to send their saw to. For lack of a better analogy....

Have you ever gone to an automatic carwash? Sometimes you have 4-5 choices as to the services offered. You can get your vehicle done for $3,4,5 or $6 dollars depending on how thorough and fits into your budget. EX. For $3, you get a wash and spot free rinse but no dry. For $4, You get the above but also a wax and a jet dry. So on and so forth. Some guys see no use for a wax so they only want a $3 wash.

Maybe a guy doesn't need/want the full blown, top of the line tuning, can only afford minimal service but, wants a little more out of his saw. Who would he send it to? Conversely, a fella wants every ounce of power he can eek out of his saw and is willing to pay the price for it. Who would he send it to for the "supreme"?
Dennis is a Moderator and one of the gurus involved so if he thinks this is an inappropriate inquiry, so be it. I just thought it would be helpful. Sorry if I offended anyone.