Greffard, Madsen, Walker, Dunn, (sounds like a law firm, doesn't it?)

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I would love to see a menu too, but I don’t think that is the best way to do things for anyone here. Discussions like that only lead people to exaggerate and the last thing these guys need is a price war. I seriously doubt any of them are building saws in a million dollar mansion. If you have a saw and want it to perform better, start making contacts and do what you want.
I would love to have a built saw or two, but at the moment, can not afford a brand new saw, much less a modified one.
Seesaw...your inquiry is not inappropriate whatsoever...however, the best way to go about this, is to do exactly what Oregon was us individually....tell us what you want...we can then tell you how much and what we can do for you....I do sometimes build saws to persons specific needs as I know Ken does....

Thanks Dennis. The problem problem is that I still don't know what I want done because I don't know what my options are.
Keep up the good work, all you builders and thanks for what you do!
Hi there, I will try to clear up a few things with regards to modified saws or even stock saws for that matter.
First of all it takes years to become proficient with a saw in a professional capacity and for some it can take even longer to respect the saw and give it proper mantainance.
What I am trying to say is that if we are not commited to sharpening and bar and sprocket mantainance then all modifactions are largely in vane.
As one deposed poster so aptly put it, " the faster the chain, the better the dirt works".
Although there is no justification required for getting your saw power stroked, just keep in mind that once the mods have been made it is the operators responsibility to do all the basic mantainance. If this is not part of the program, then why waste money. Power is as power does.
Hi there, heres a picture of Rotax Robert after leading me astray with some Busch Beer after he came and rescued me from Susie for awhile last Thursday.
Hi there, you will note in the previous pictures that it is still quite light out, however in the following picture you can see it is getting to be dusk. This is what happens when you get on the phone to Ken Dunn. Maybe thats why my phone bill was 1069.00 last month, however I bet Ken's is at least that.
How come there are 10 empty beer cans in the first pic and only 8 empties in the last pic? Seems like there would be MORE empties, not less.......

(Only a true alcoholic would notice that) :p
Hi Brian, to tell you the truth, what happened was, Robert started up the Predertor with the belt removed, however the 32 pin sprocket caused such a backdraft that the empties were strewn all over Hell's Half Acre.
Hey Robert, I'll hit you with so many empty beer cans, you'll think your Easty Joe on his way to the recycle bin.
Duty Free John