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Ken, we all have to do what we have to, to stay on top..:) if that means keeping the pipe for be

I am off to the log deck now to drag out some wood so I can make some timed cuts with all three sisters....will hopefully post some results tonight..:D Although I dont think my chain will do these saws any justice..we will see what happens...
Well, Ijust went out and was doing some cutting with my 385 I just finished on a 20" frozen spruce with a rocked out chain...still cuts will do some timing tomorrow when the sun comes back got too late today....

Ken, I got your parcel this afternoon!!! That was pretty darn quick.....4 days? I am now in the process of figuring out the header for the pipe...but I have my saw torn apart again.....I mapped the ports last night, and can see that they need a touch more work to level them out...then back together it goes on Friday!!...
that is a pretty sweet trash can eh?...I will sell you the toaster if you got two more the other day....oh yeah..I will also be putting that 272 barrel on a saw on Friday...see how that does in the timed cuts as well...I am going to have to build a muffler for it though....oh well...:D:D:D

hello dennis.
Ups is great, it would have been there sooner if not for the customs problems. just going to have a garage sale for the toaster and trash can. how didyou like the shavings? Made them using my carlton a-1 racing chain. you'll like the 272 barrel, that was one of my first attempts at porting. won a number of races with it. let me know if you need any specs on the header. forget to send them to you but i've got them here.
ken [email protected]
yeah..thanks for the shavings Ken..they are all over my shop floor...and them UPS b*stards did take it to my dads house I got the pipe back...I should prolly have the specs on that...just so I know how much room I have for the header....25.5" from the piston?
sorry i havent been able to offend anyone today - but i have been busy with my wife as she thinks i take this whole chainsaw thing more seriously than her - i try telling her i go through "stages" (of powertuning - lol) but she still has her doubts...what do you guys recommend? and no - i already tried that .45 to the head thing - the thing just bounced off...

well - i meant to say she tried it on me - but it did bounce off and luckily didnt even hurt the drywall as she had already kicked me out so hope noone got caught by the stray..:angel: the cops said its quite normal and they said i should consider myself being in "the doghouse":confused: need to be alot more diplomatic in this procedure..never start out with the many times do we have to go over this..."Put the gun down otto..." do something her flowers and a .38..sheesh...
Gee, this activity must run in the Arkie family.
Didn't I hear Hilary used to whack her hubby around too.
You know, the fella who couldn't find a bigger weapon than a cigar.............or was that just his extracurricular activities.

Who woulda thunk it, otto, such a nice balding musician you appear to be...........That was you in the picture, now, wasn't it.

Glad to hear the drywall guys are still on unemployment............

.............back to my padded cell..........
lol rbtree - "when in rome...."

anyway - how did you go dennis? - i know you probably had a real busy day - i just wanted to see if you got a chance to do some runs on the 3 sisters - :D by the way i could swear that i sent you that 385 in the middle - theyll never know the difference....:rolleyes:

PS. im allowed in the house again:p
A late reply OTTO, but I understand your pain. Recently, I ordered a "walkerized" 357xp from Walkers. Asked them to call me at work when they were ready to ship. Got home the other evening and the gator, excuse me, my wife, said: somebody called here today and wanted your credit card number for a......chain saw. Ouch... Took me a couple of days to get back in our bed. Luckily, I had ordered her a valentine present that came on the next day. I let her open it early and everything was allright. I had to talk my ass off about she enjoys a good fire as much as I do and I'll pay for this saw real quick just in firewood. Anyway, ????, it shouldn't be this hard.
Otto, yes I did some cutting today with the girls :D very nice:D your saw is packaged up and should go out tomorrow afternoon with ups....I will send you a tracking number asap...glad to hear you are back in the house again;)

-a man is as young as the woman he feels..
the same 385 i sent you right? just making sure.:D

thanks a million Dennis - i cant wait to try it out and whoop some arkie a$$

ps this is what i usually use (remember Dennis?)- dont tell fish - lol
Russ, I got your parcel today:):) no saw yet though....the shirt is great! The parcel looked like it had been to Hell and back though, so the driver wanted me to open it and check it out....should have seen the look on her face when I opened it....lmao...I cant wait to get your saw, and start on it...I ran one of my 385's yesterday...what a beauty!!
Hey Dennis, that`s great. The delivery girl liked my choice of packing material, no doubt. I was a little nervous about it getting there intact. I will send you more "packing", both for the 357XP that is headed your way, as well as the return shipping on my repaired saws. Glad you like the shirt, if you ever get out this way you`ll have to let me take you there, unless of course you don`t like blues, ice cold brews, and barbecue and the girls that go with it. LOL I`m pretty psyched about seeing the 385 when you`re done but I am currently large wood fiber challenged so i don`t mean to add any :blob2: urgency:blob2: Russ
Hi Russ, we just gotta race now! You with your square chain and me with my round ground chisel, but no cheating such as trying to pry a chain out of Walt, Ken or Uncle Art cause I got these guys signature chain and can tell the difference by looking.
Dennis, read my lips! Dont send that saw to Russ! I repeat, dont send that saw to Russ! His wife may just grab it anyway as a divisable asset, so it's safer here.
Rather sent it to me and he will be forced to come and race so he can pick his saw up here as he isnt very far, plus he will save big time on shipping.
Aye John, that`s noble of you, very noble indeed, looking out for my best interests like that. Thing is, my neighbor/cousin/brother in law and fellow countryman Otto has filled me in on the treachery that you and that other crazy canayjen, Dennis, have exacted on him. From what I understand, my brother, Otto paid good honest to God American greenbacks to suffer no less than buggery at the hands of you two, switching your stock 346 jug for his Greffardized 372 jug, thinking that he would not notice. Well he did, and now WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are pissed, and besides, how would I know that you didn`t pull some such bait and switch with my saw, possibly using a Super XL jug or something? Anyway, I have already been making plans to come visit you and race, and as a patriotic American who voted for Gee Dubya, in my case three times in three different states, I want to kick your foreigner a**. To that end, I have been working in cohoots with my fellow Americans, Ken and Walt, and have developed a racing chain that scares Uncle Art, to put it gently. I think in the interest of avoiding an international incident, remember I know people who work at the Pentagon, the saw should be shipped directly to me, labelled as "lingerie and condoms", that way my wife will be sure not to touch it:D Russ ps: can you still be my chainsaw psychiatrist?
Hey Otto,
What saw is that? The picture is too small to make out.
It has an Electrolux shape to it. Did you try to rub the
Orange off to see if it really was green underneath?
Can we change your name to Poulotto? Tundralux?
Howdy Jokers,

You remind of once I was involved when a customer friend of mine wanted a truck load of sawchain to appear on the bridge of the Dardanelles, at a certain time, with the manifest to say "Caviar".

Ok, we did so, and at the appointed time, a guy comes out of the woodwork, piles into the truck, and away it went into Turkey. The next day a suitcase full of US Dollars appeared on the doorstep of our office! Such a deal.

My salesman thought this was very good buisness, and since I was visiting anyway, he sets up this meeting in Istanbul. We go to this bistro on the street, and here comes our customer. "What do you want"? (Very gruff in Turkish style). "Well, we thought since you bought all that chain, you might want grinders to sharpen it".

"What do I want grinders for? If it gets dull, I sell 'em a new chain!"

Ok, at least I got to see Santa Sophia.

Walt Galer
hi fellas and sorry for the delay as my extracurricular activities have taken my time. ie. im cutting with a 136.

thats a poulan realtree model available at walmart for ya - youre right! i would never try to rub off the beautiful orange color that signifies the fastest cutting saw in the universe. the poulan does have a beautiful electrolux shape to it doesnt it?. this shows they are learning from their BIG DADDY chainsaw division. Hey, maybe we will see a poulan outcut a stihl by early this coming year due to poulan divisions quick learning curve.

PS i could live with tundraDElux;) due to the superior equipment

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