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I caught the edge of a big rolled up wad of barbed wire last year. Was grinding a stump right next to a pile of junk and some of the wire was buried in the ground by the stump. It yanked the whole big wad right into the wheel. I spent nearly 2 hours cutting it out with wire cutters. Boy was I ticked.
Any kind of chain or wire really gets stuck and takes some time to undo. I just got done this afternoon pulling some barbwire out of the wheel from the last job.
I went to Houston after Ike and found this sweet rich neighborhood. The only bad thing was EVERY yard had landscape lights/wires going to every tree. I spent many hours that week pulling wire out of the wheel.
I hit something one time, actually heard it go "*****" over the volume of the grinder. Stopped to look, never found what I hit but it snapped 5 sandvik teeth off.
I hit a circular saw blade once and that chewed off 6 teeth iirc.