i guess there is ballet, but to me dancing is more of a joy thang of who you are with rather than the acrobatics of movement.
Walking on grass, softly pawing at the ground/ pushing off purposefully with a roll to ball, throwing forward again like oar and grabbing another hunk of ground with rolling paw motion of grasping ground and throwing behind you, all metered to your own sense.
In repose breathe in deeply cool, blue healing air channeling right down into your leg to refresh, and visualize and feel too, the dark waste toxins of effort and repair carried off; in deep slower purposefull breaths. The whole zen/sanskirt traditions of air and it's richness is fascinating; beginning withthe premise that you can do so long without companionship, light, shelter, food water etc.; but the least without the rich air that they call Prana and breathe in like a rich food essence all it's own.
Many of the yoga movements are contrived on following animals movements, and finding things/stretches that we don't do, that many animals do naturally. So the stretches etc. are to regain a loss; usually focussed on a particular segment of their motions; in these staged paraplays of the animate stages of existence, taking the most intense of the motions to our purpose, form those levels of exercise we see around us; and never realize..
Tree climbing being itslef highly acclaimed by some; as the imatation of the essential movements to this and more purposes of our closest likeness; that has developed under the same conditions etc. fighting the same foes of forces. A lot of the motions etc. are concerned with the trunk area; leading with breathing, but also exercisng the digestion area purposefully.
One of the main aims is to correct a wrong, that we are the only animal that teaches it's young to depend totally on peristalysis for digestion. Everything else on the planet, by the extremes it makes in the means of it's locomotion, massages this area, and works these organs.
Other animals massively compress and expand this body cavity in their locomotion; the squirming of worms, even flexing swimming of an amoeba, full body arched sweeping thru water of fish, massive wing sweeps of birds, the alternate cross walking of (all but 3)quadapeds etc. All these things are designed to constantly work and massage the internal organs, compressing and expanding at full range. Our closest biped climbs, compressing and stretching this same area.
From there it goes on about staying unconstipated in body, by this; to extend that cleanness to mind and spirit.
ok, i'm done!
:alien: :alien: :alien: