Trying to sell my falling tools.
5lb 28in handle $70 (sold)
Axe holder $20 (sold)
Pouch $8
Suspenders and pad $10
K&H 12 inch wedge $10 (sold)
K&H 7.5 $6.00 each
Madsens wedges $4.00 each
Screened safety glasses $5.00 each (2 left)
F&F perferred
We can talk about a bundle price. All prices will have actual shipping prices added.

5lb 28in handle $70 (sold)
Axe holder $20 (sold)
Pouch $8
Suspenders and pad $10
K&H 12 inch wedge $10 (sold)
K&H 7.5 $6.00 each
Madsens wedges $4.00 each
Screened safety glasses $5.00 each (2 left)
F&F perferred
We can talk about a bundle price. All prices will have actual shipping prices added.