I came across this saw set last Saturday while at the local "antique mall", I think I paid 10 or 15$ for it. Has anyone used this style before? I'm familiar with the Disston type models and have a few of those for smaller saws.
The saw set I bought seems to be the No. 201 pictured in the upper image (below) but is only marked with Goodell, so it might be pre-merger with Pratt... The saw sets I have used in the past are more like the No. 206 at the bottom of the same illustration.

Below are two photos of the one I bought (dogs playing in background). It's a very different style than I'm used to, but it seems like it may work on bigger teeth. The adjustable depth gauge makes sense to keep a constant geometry on the teeth, but I'm not entirely sure about the function of the adjustable screw, but looking at it in the photo it must keep the saw held against the sloped portion of the anvil while the tooth is bent over the part of the anvil parallel to the handles. The description above suggests it works on a "wide or narrow" saws, but it's unclear to me if that means plate thickness or something else.
The photo below shows it in the closed position (handles squeezed).

Photo below shows the set in the open position.

Anyway, anyone use this style before?
The saw set I bought seems to be the No. 201 pictured in the upper image (below) but is only marked with Goodell, so it might be pre-merger with Pratt... The saw sets I have used in the past are more like the No. 206 at the bottom of the same illustration.

Below are two photos of the one I bought (dogs playing in background). It's a very different style than I'm used to, but it seems like it may work on bigger teeth. The adjustable depth gauge makes sense to keep a constant geometry on the teeth, but I'm not entirely sure about the function of the adjustable screw, but looking at it in the photo it must keep the saw held against the sloped portion of the anvil while the tooth is bent over the part of the anvil parallel to the handles. The description above suggests it works on a "wide or narrow" saws, but it's unclear to me if that means plate thickness or something else.
The photo below shows it in the closed position (handles squeezed).

Photo below shows the set in the open position.

Anyway, anyone use this style before?