more insperation
Beautifully put RB..
And a great looking boy...(And good to, hasent drawn you climbing on the mural background) Max would of by now..
Our second child was born sesserion(?) I had no sooner givin Toni a kiss as she went through the doors, I went to the waiting room to get a coffee. and had all hell scared out of me ...The nurse was calling for me, never got to put milk in it...
I thought the worst because of the tone in the nurses vioce..
She asked if i wanted to hold MY DAUGHTER!
Truley an amazing experence, the nurse left the room I was alone with this tiny beautifull girl, 3 minutes old...AWESTRUCK..
The playing we all do, the books and puzzeles "hide and seek" is the flavor of the month, the shear joy they get out of it is so very worth the odd naughty day( today for example)..Kids are one of thoses things that is almost impossable to describe, they certanily pull Toni and I a lot closer together than we were, they made us a "FAMILY" nice word isnt it?
See what Ive got in the file on them..Love my kids...