...been thinking on this awhile, and with Father's Day coming back around on the calendar, I have been doubling my efforts.
Breakfast is out, because by the time I feel like eating it's usually lunchtime...and I don't usually wear the kind of ties a son would buy his dad, for this holiday, at the other functions I normally attend.
So I was thinking of some spiced coffee in the morning, and a drawing to start the day.
The brat used to make some pretty good depictions of our life around the house, as well as those that were about our adventures in the woods, or messing with "drunks," (we used to secure glow-in-the-dark sticks to kites and fly them above the bus stop at night, so when they got off the bus from work, drunk, to walk to the rehabilitation center, they would have a panic over the lights that were hovering above and following them...wish I'd had a video cam...
Think that would make for a good day. And maybe a beer in the evening with a good story about the picture in question.
Yeah, Monday would be a breeze after that.
If there is, was or ever will be anything to be proud of, it is a child's imagination and sense of humor.
He's 8 now, so he may be calming down...