I know plenty of guys with bad hearing problems, some so bad that they have to lip read and wouldn't hear you screaming at the top of your lungs standing 5 feet away if they had their back turned. Industrial deafness is no joke, and it doesn't discriminate against age.
I was maybe lucky enough to have worked in some loud industries where they were super strict on hearing protection, so it was just second nature to me when I started running saws. At a minimum I use peltor P3's for low exposure (climbing with occasional saw use) but will wear plugs and muffs if running bigger saws all day. My groundies all get H10's, and plugs as well if it's a big day. I won't let anyone so much as start a saw without hearing protection and no chipping either. I've had hearing tests done as part of my entry to the mines and had excellent hearing then, it's every bit as good now 15 years later. I wear plugs when riding too, and even if driving the truck long distances.
On a side note, if you wear plugs regularly try to keep your ears clean or you can end up with impacted wax or ear infections. A bit of tea tree oil every now and then helps a lot. Get a bit on your pinky and squinch it right in there, wiggle it round.