heat with a wood stove

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YEP...I am wondering the same are you guys talking about face cord (4 ft tall 8 ft long and 16 to 18" wide) ? i have used about 2 face cord so far . i have a firechief 500 wood furnace andi use my draft blower and it works great DW :greenchainsaw:
yea its just a free standing wood stove about 24 wide x 30 deep x20 high.it has a fan blower on it that really spreads it around.
when I open the door to feed it no smoke comes in,it just flames up.
feed it about 3-4 times a day and the last at night seems to last till morning as clean out the ash and throw more on the coals to start off the day.
its the only thing we use.and if we leave for a day or two set the thermostat for the furnace to take its place and to prevent freeze up.
full cord 4x4x8 that we stack on the porch and its been about 4 times so far this year.
whats a good new or newer stove ?
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My house was built 1895 sq footage around 2500. Started burning at night to take the chill of at the end of September. Burning around the clock since November. I have burned just over 2 1/2 cords(4x4x8). This is a lot more than I expected although I installed this stove last December so I didn't make it through an entire season in 07. It will be interesting to see how much I end of burning for the 08-09 season. I have another 4 cords that I can burn this year although I hope not to have to use it all.
regency makes a fine stove, i have an older 1000s, probably 20 years old and besides replacing the fire brick, the stove looks and burns like new
burnt about a cord, burning since middle of october, heating only with wood, running a johnsons energy systems inc stove. coldest last couple of days -30 to -35 c, a little harder on wood but i have lots. house is pretty drafty 1400 sqft
Have used about 1 3/4 cords so far.
Stove: Pacific Energy Summit
2400 sq. feet, not including the basement where the stove is located.
On colder nights, we use the central air fan to help circulate the air.
On real cold days, we use the oil fired forced air furnace as backup.
burning since oct gone through 2 1/2 cords burn 24/7 our only heat source is our clayton keep the house between 70-75 3200 sq feet 13 feet tall vaulted ceilings pole house sits about 5 foot off the ground
It has been a mild fall here, so we just finished our first rick (1/3 cord). We usually go through 3-4 cords heating our 2000sf house. The stove is our only source of heat. Our wood consumption varies a lot with the severity of the winters. One year we had our first snow in Sept and last in June and went through 7 cords, burning 24/7. That'll get you in shape!!
well I see my door seals are not what they should be so am getting replacements.
also looked at some of the newer stoves and see really no difference and alot of them have no blowers or place for them.
so really see no need to upgrade. at least mine has firebricks on all sides and the metal is in decent shape no rust or worn spots.
since I can fix the door seals what use would a new stove do?
well I see my door seals are not what they should be so am getting replacements.
also looked at some of the newer stoves and see really no difference and alot of them have no blowers or place for them.
so really see no need to upgrade. at least mine has firebricks on all sides and the metal is in decent shape no rust or worn spots.
since I can fix the door seals what use would a new stove do?

Our old stove had an efficiency rating of around 37%.
The Pacific Energy Summit is rated around 73%.

The old stove had to be re lit nearly every morning. Rarely need to re lite the Pacific Energy.
By the end of the week I will have finished off the first cord of the season keeping 1200 sq ft comfortably warm. Last Winter I went through abit over 3 cords. This year I am expecting that much and then some. I have 5 cords ready and can break into next years early, if need be.
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I can heat nearly 3000 sq. feet with my $200 firebrick lined, double barreled vogelazang setup

TS, I will agree a double barrell is a monster heater and cheap and very efficient. I have heated several shops with them, that said I dont trust them.

I went to a hotblast so I could leave the stove running and not worry the FD would be called out to put out my dreams some night but thats just me.

You have a very impressive grasp of the stoves dynamics! I have no idea wth you are saying its waaay over my head lmao thanks for the pics it brings back memorys! :)

Oh btw I will use about 2 1/2 cords at the house heating one end about 750 sq with a englander 13-nci insert and about 7-8 at the shop heating about 3500sq w/the hotblast. :)

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woodstove heat

I have a small log cabin 24x32 and only use woodstove for heat burn about
4 cords to 4 1/2 cords last year we keep it around 77 degrees in the house!

we also have a hot air oil furnace that hasn't used a tankful of oil in the 3 yrs we live here. we have propane for hotwater and kitchen stove.

woods been free so far. but seems alot of people installed chimneys for stoves this summer and fall
TS, I will agree a double barrell is a monster heater and cheap and very efficient. I have heated several shops with them, that said I dont trust them.

Why? Did they burn through on you? Didn't firebrick 'em?

I know of guys who've properly firebricked theirs, getting 10 or more seasons out of them. Inspected regularly, they certainly can fill the bill. Don't get me wrong though, if money was no object, I'd have a thicker walled custom unit.

Our old stove had an efficiency rating of around 37%.
The Pacific Energy Summit is rated around 73%.

The old stove had to be re lit nearly every morning. Rarely need to re lite the Pacific Energy.

I guess I am not too bright. they are steel or cast boxes so how can it be more effeciant? what are the differrances?
I can load it up at bedtime and come morning I still have coals to get the replacement wood going fine.
I live in NE Indiana and have only burned about 1/2 of a face cord so far. I have a newer tight home with 2,000 square feet up and a full basement. Last year it was a different story due to an older Fisher stove. We bought a new Napoleon 1900 and I have nothing but praise for it. It has been burning continually for about 6 weeks and it is so easy to maintain a good even temp and the fire keeps burning & burning.

It is like the Energizer Bunny--- we have only used 2 fire starters in 6 weeks. We used that many in a days time with the old Fisher stove. I can not say enough good about the Napoleon--easy to clean with a nice ash pan, blower with variable speed, & glass door for romantic aesthetics that my wife really likes! What more could a man ask for???

Once you buy a new high efficiency wood stove it will amaze you at how little wood you burn. It will pay for itself in a short time.
I'm guessing our 3k sf old farm house has burned 2 1/2 full cord so far.

We've heated with wood 24/7 since '77 and the majority of that time it was with Shenandoah stoves, the 65 and the r77. Personally I've never measured wood but the little lady who keeps track of these things says we go through 40 face cord a year or 13 full cords.

About a year ago we upgraded to a QF4300 and I notice we're burning a lot less wood. Since I don't measure, I could be talking out my ass but I know we're burning 25% less but maybe it's 33%...it a significant amt less I say that.

Anyway I wish we had waited to buy the QF5700 and now that fossil fuel and metal prices have come down I'm hoping stove prices will too.
I guess I am not too bright. they are steel or cast boxes so how can it be more effeciant? what are the differrances?
I can load it up at bedtime and come morning I still have coals to get the replacement wood going fine.

No guessing for me, I know I'm not too bright!:greenchainsaw:

Our old stove would really put out the heat; so BTU output was not the problem. My main issue was unburned particulate. Our neighbors had mentioned a couple of times about the white smoke heading in their direction.

With better efficiency (secondary burn on the Summit), more of the wood/smoke is burned for cleaner flue exhaust, more consistent BTU output, and less wood consumption.

Last year was our first with the Summit. I did throw in a lot of wood and shut it down. Noticed an increase in creosote buildup, big-time.

So, this year we are burning smaller quantities of wood at a time, with higher stack temps. Plan to check the chimney by the weekend. If it looks cleaner, then we are probably on the right track.
4 cords(full cords) seems a little excessive too date? I've been using my cookstove exclusively and been burning since Oct. I've used a cord and a half thus far at most and have another 4 in the barn. My house is 200+ yrs old and about 2500sqft. While the weather has been up and down the stove is still going full time.
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