New Member
Hi, I'm Jarred. I'm 27 and a Marine Vet (0351). I'm from Maryland originally but I live in the Rogue valley in Oregon these days.
I did 2 season of wildland firefighting as a Sawyer in Oregon and I fell in love with saws. For some reason I keep buying old saws and trying to fix them.Its for fun. That's how I found this website. It seemed like everytime I looked up some information on a saw I would see a link for it. It has already been an extremely helpful tool for me so I decided to sign up. My firefighting days are over for now but I still do volunteer work using my saws for a local organization that gives the wood to people who need it (Lots of people use wood heaters to make it through the winter out here).
As far as my saws go, I'm up to 9:
- Fully rebuilt by myself Homelite 550
- Stihl 056 AV Magnum 2
- Stihl 510 (or S10?)
- Stihl 021 (4th pic. I know it's silly, I can explain)
- Lombard Comango
- McCulloch TimberBear
- McCulloch Pro 10-10 Auto
- McCulloch Super 44A
Oh and #9 I picked up two days ago, a Husqvarna 455 rancher.
I did 2 season of wildland firefighting as a Sawyer in Oregon and I fell in love with saws. For some reason I keep buying old saws and trying to fix them.Its for fun. That's how I found this website. It seemed like everytime I looked up some information on a saw I would see a link for it. It has already been an extremely helpful tool for me so I decided to sign up. My firefighting days are over for now but I still do volunteer work using my saws for a local organization that gives the wood to people who need it (Lots of people use wood heaters to make it through the winter out here).
As far as my saws go, I'm up to 9:
- Fully rebuilt by myself Homelite 550
- Stihl 056 AV Magnum 2
- Stihl 510 (or S10?)
- Stihl 021 (4th pic. I know it's silly, I can explain)
- Lombard Comango
- McCulloch TimberBear
- McCulloch Pro 10-10 Auto
- McCulloch Super 44A
Oh and #9 I picked up two days ago, a Husqvarna 455 rancher.