Hello my name is Alan and I am an addict

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I only bought 1 saw last week, not too bad. What is bad is fact that I found an 011 under the bench yesterday and I have NO IDEA where this saw came from. Damn things are breeding again!
From bad to worse...

Well, you will find that you do not stop at just chainsaws. You will branch out. You will collect different types of bar oils, and chain sharpeners, and different length bars for your saws and tools for them. The you will need different gas mixes. 50:1, 40:1, 32:1. Then different types of loops will appear on the walls and in cabinets of your garage. Then you will have backup saws and replacement saws for parts for your working saws. Doorstop saws, and dead saws, and saws that need working on will gather like dust around your house and garage and shop.

Then you will start on long term project saws that never get worked on, and when you go to sell them you wind up buying more project saws. Then you will start developing prototype hotsaws. And buy an Alaskan mill. Finally you will begin collecting antique chainsaws as yard art, and the old lady will start screaming at you about having too damn many saws. But that is just the real world... They will start to come to you in your dreams. All those saws. The Stihl 361s, and the Dolmar 5100s, the MS441 and a few Huskys that you read about. The old Mac, and J-reds, and baby Echo top handels you are working with in the trees. One night you will wake up trying to start a saw, but you will be yanking on something else.

Ahhhh, right then you will be in the zone man. Uncurable like so many others in here. Many of us here are chainsaw-a-holics, or suffer from various chainsaw disorders. Dolmar syndrone. Stihlbrain. Chainsaw disease. Huskvarnitis. J-Redneck rash. MacAttack. Arboristsite Addiction. Homelite Separation. Echomiosis. PTCD: Post Tramatic Chainsaw Disorder. Hotsaw Mania. Poulon Pox.

Welcome Alan. This is your home.
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Ahhhh, right then you will be in the zone man. Uncurable like so many others in here. Many of us here are chainsaw-a-holics, or suffer from various chainsaw disorders. Dolmar syndrone. Stihlbrain. Chainsaw disease. Huskvarnitis. J-Redneck rash. MacAttack. Arboristsite Addiction. Homelite Separation. Echomiosis. PTCD: Post Tramatic Chainsaw Disorder. Hotsaw Mania. Poulon Pox.

Welcome Alan. This is your home.


That's some good chit.

Ha,Ha,Ha, It will get worse.You will start looking for saw shops like women look for clothes.I notice you will be needing a large displacement saw too...:chainsaw:
That's OK, just do what the rest of us do.

Just say "No."

Just say "No, I don't want to quit buying saws!" :laugh:

That's like me and smoking.........:biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2:

I am not a saw addict, more than two years between my latest new ones.......:D :biggrinbounce2:
Yes I do need to get a large displacement saw. About 10 years ago I worked with my friends father who had a small timber business. I had the chance to work at the landing with one of his 288xp's. I liked the way that saw ran. I have been looking on ebay and will probably pick up something along that line eventually.

I haven't torn apart any good working saws yet, but I did bring 1 of my 257's back from dead. Cylinder was scored as well as piston. Put a new ring on it and cleaned up cylinder and piston. While I was in there I ported the exhaust and intake and polished as well. I also did a muffler mod on it. Runs pretty well now pulling 3/8 chisel on 20" bar. I just finished rebuilding the carb this weekend.
There is a simple solution to your saw addiction. You need a support group because you can't do it all alone. Check your local listing for the Arborist Anonymous meeting nearest to you. Go to a meeting and get some support phone numbers from experienced Husky and Jonsered addicts. Avoid Stihl addicts, they are beyond hope. Call one of these sponsors every time you feel the urge to buy a chainsaw or upgrade to a longer bar and chain. Give one of these oldtimers a call and meet him at the local saloon. Discuss your problem over a lot of drinks until you forget what the problem was.

I have a brand new MS660 and 395xp that I haven't added to my SIG yet because it feels like I am just yelling out to the world that I have a serious problem. Kind of like thinking that if no one knows you did something then it isn't as bad???

Well, you will find that you do not stop at just chainsaws. You will branch out. You will collect different types of bar oils, and chain sharpeners, and different length bars for your saws and tools for them. The you will need different gas mixes. 50:1, 40:1, 32:1. Then different types of loops will appear on the walls and in cabinets of your garage. Then you will have backup saws and replacement saws for parts for your working saws. Doorstop saws, and dead saws, and saws that need working on will gather like dust around your house and garage and shop.

Then you will start on long term project saws that never get worked on, and when you go to sell them you wind up buying more project saws. Then you will start developing prototype hotsaws. And buy an Alaskan mill. Finally you will begin collecting antique chainsaws as yard art, and the old lady will start screaming at you about having too damn many saws. But that is just the real world... They will start to come to you in your dreams. All those saws. The Stihl 361s, and the Dolmar 5100s, the MS441 and a few Huskys that you read about. The old Mac, and J-reds, and baby Echo top handels you are working with in the trees. One night you will wake up trying to start a saw, but you will be yanking on something else.

Ahhhh, right then you will be in the zone man. Uncurable like so many others in here. Many of us here are chainsaw-a-holics, or suffer from various chainsaw disorders. Dolmar syndrone. Stihlbrain. Chainsaw disease. Huskvarnitis. J-Redneck rash. MacAttack. Arboristsite Addiction. Homelite Separation. Echomiosis. PTCD: Post Tramatic Chainsaw Disorder. Hotsaw Mania. Poulon Pox.

Welcome Alan. This is your home.

Not only good sh@t, it is almost the truth....:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Now I just need an Alaskan mill :laugh: :laugh:
AS has turned me into a bit of a saw addict as well.

I had 6 working saws spanning the range that all work very well. In the last several months I have bought 3 new saws just cause I wanted them, and I am pretty sure I will buy at least 3 more new ones this year sometime.

I know it doesn't compare to what other's have, but I will have gone from not buying a new saw for several years to having doubled my saw count.

The good side is that I found the 7900 which is a very productive saw for me, but the bad side is I now own saws that don't get used much. Can't bear to sell any, I don't think.

In the future I am going to try to limit new saws to 2 a year unless I have a failure. We'll see how that goes...

AS has been a great source of info and entertainment for me, though. And it always feels good to realize there are people worse than yourself.;)
Closet freak aaay!!!!!

I have a brand new MS660 and 395xp that I haven't added to my SIG yet because it feels like I am just yelling out to the world that I have a serious problem. Kind of like thinking that if no one knows you did something then it isn't as bad???


Ok Rydaddy,,,,Decided to come clean cause the newbie is brave enough to admit is weakness, Unhh hunhhhh,,,, Oh Yeah!!!!!! You are a brave man....:chainsaw: :chainsaw:
Arboristsite should really post a warning...

about the insidious Chainsaw Disease. Here's my story: Up until a few years ago, I thought I had the best saw in my Stihl 025. That saw is now close to 20 years old and has cut cords and cords of wood. Then my Dad died and I ended up with his 011. Wow – two saws!!! That’s one more than some of my friends and two more than the rest of them. Can you imagine, two saws!! I thought that 025 was one of the biggest saws around. Then one day, I somehow stumbled on Arboristsite. I started reading a few of the posts, then a few more. Well, I don’t know when it happened but evidently a miniscule germ of the dreaded CS disease jumped out of the monitor and infected me. It’s been festering in my brain for nearly a year. I’ve been in several saw shops but this past weekend, I made a package deal and before I knew it, I was driving home with a brand new 361 and 192T in the trunk! :D That’s right, a top handle saw too... oh, did I forget to mention the close to $1k in climbing equipment that I’ve purchased as a side effect of the dreaded CS disease? Oh yes, I have a bad case... there goes the tax refund. At least I burn wood.

So, is it possible to stop this affliction or do I have it for life? Oh yeah, and any tips on explaining all of this to the Missus???
about the insidious Chainsaw Disease. Here's my story: Up until a few years ago, I thought I had the best saw in my Stihl 025. That saw is now close to 20 years old and has cut cords and cords of wood. Then my Dad died and I ended up with his 011. Wow – two saws!!! That’s one more than some of my friends and two more than the rest of them. Can you imagine, two saws!! I thought that 025 was one of the biggest saws around. Then one day, I somehow stumbled on Arboristsite. I started reading a few of the posts, then a few more. Well, I don’t know when it happened but evidently a miniscule germ of the dreaded CS disease jumped out of the monitor and infected me. It’s been festering in my brain for nearly a year. I’ve been in several saw shops but this past weekend, I made a package deal and before I knew it, I was driving home with a brand new 361 and 192T in the trunk! :D That’s right, a top handle saw too... oh, did I forget to mention the close to $1k in climbing equipment that I’ve purchased as a side effect of the dreaded CS disease? Oh yes, I have a bad case... there goes the tax refund. At least I burn wood.

So, is it possible to stop this affliction or do I have it for life? Oh yeah, and any tips on explaining all of this to the Missus???

Yes u do. Apparently this affliction lasts the life of a saw...........maybe longer it lingers. Until white fingers.

about the insidious Chainsaw Disease. Here's my story: Up until a few years ago, I thought I had the best saw in my Stihl 025. That saw is now close to 20 years old and has cut cords and cords of wood. Then my Dad died and I ended up with his 011. Wow – two saws!!! That’s one more than some of my friends and two more than the rest of them. Can you imagine, two saws!! I thought that 025 was one of the biggest saws around. Then one day, I somehow stumbled on Arboristsite. I started reading a few of the posts, then a few more. Well, I don’t know when it happened but evidently a miniscule germ of the dreaded CS disease jumped out of the monitor and infected me. It’s been festering in my brain for nearly a year. I’ve been in several saw shops but this past weekend, I made a package deal and before I knew it, I was driving home with a brand new 361 and 192T in the trunk! :D That’s right, a top handle saw too... oh, did I forget to mention the close to $1k in climbing equipment that I’ve purchased as a side effect of the dreaded CS disease? Oh yes, I have a bad case... there goes the tax refund. At least I burn wood.

So, is it possible to stop this affliction or do I have it for life? Oh yeah, and any tips on explaining all of this to the Missus???

Yes u do. Apparently this affliction lasts the life of a saw...........maybe longer it lingers. Until white fingers.

To your question, "Honey do you need wood?"


about the insidious Chainsaw Disease. Here's my story: Up until a few years ago, I thought I had the best saw in my Stihl 025. That saw is now close to 20 years old and has cut cords and cords of wood. Then my Dad died and I ended up with his 011. Wow – two saws!!! That’s one more than some of my friends and two more than the rest of them. Can you imagine, two saws!! I thought that 025 was one of the biggest saws around. Then one day, I somehow stumbled on Arboristsite. I started reading a few of the posts, then a few more. Well, I don’t know when it happened but evidently a miniscule germ of the dreaded CS disease jumped out of the monitor and infected me. It’s been festering in my brain for nearly a year. I’ve been in several saw shops but this past weekend, I made a package deal and before I knew it, I was driving home with a brand new 361 and 192T in the trunk! :D That’s right, a top handle saw too... oh, did I forget to mention the close to $1k in climbing equipment that I’ve purchased as a side effect of the dreaded CS disease? Oh yes, I have a bad case... there goes the tax refund. At least I burn wood.

So, is it possible to stop this affliction or do I have it for life? Oh yeah, and any tips on explaining all of this to the Missus???

DITTO!!!! Glad to see that someone else has similar stories.
Inoculate The Wife!

So, is it possible to stop this affliction or do I have it for life? Oh yeah, and any tips on explaining all of this to the Missus???

Well, as some other said, there is white finger. Bad stuff from vibration in the hands. I have met a few older people (in their 50s) that have it. Do not saw for too long in any one position, and give your hands a break. I cut a cord of firewood yesterday and did tractoring in between (felled a grand fir leaner windthrown tree, sliced and diced now and on the wood rack). I cut 1/4 of the tree, loaded and racked it, then cut another 1/4, loaded it, etc. Also use a newer anti-vibe saw. Of course, that leads to buying newer saws... so you probably are affected for life. I have found that chainsaw rage comes and goes though, depending on what I am doing career-wise, where I am living and my need for firewood, etc.

As for the missus? Get them involved! Infect them! Find a saw that thay can run with that does not intimidate them. Maybe a small Echo or Poulon or Stihl. My Girlfriend cannot manage the MS290, even though it is really her's. She likes the Echo Cs-3000. But that is a TH, and not ergonomic, so I am looking for a MS 180 for her now. We need a smaller light weight small-bar rear-trigger saw for tree thinning anyway. She is also appreciative of the AS group, and posted a thanks to the group a while back. While she is not fully infected with CD, she understands my affliction. She appreciates the wood cutting and tree thinning, no more throwing chains, sharp chains to cut with, faster starting saws, etc. All effects of going to regular AS group therapy.

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