LOL! i was taking off the bearing and the E clip went flying across the room.
There is alot of stuff laying around due to the up comming move.
I had to move everythng to the other side of the room and get a bright light to find the stupid thing in dark carpet! I laughed

the thing shot 10 ft+.
And 10 min later i found it. Im glad i learned this lesson at home! Thxs for the advice, i can see alot of you are going to be 2 steps ahead of me while i cut my teeth on this beast! thxs again
BTW got to say im loving the saw, This husky seems to be about the same as the 44 in the way its fixed, and put together.
A few more questions....
To lube or not to lube? The bar that is? Im talking about the little lube points on the bar its self, not the oiler. Organ 24"
18" bar on a 372 xp. is it ok for my 2nd bar?
Best chisle chain made?
Best bar made for replacement?
From day one should i run the best gas, or should i run mid grade?
And please explain how the hell my arms arent going to fall off using this saw 12 hours a day! Its got a good weight for the size i know, but 11 hours a day, the first week is going to be fun!