True Blue gave best answer; a number of ways to do it, all come around to at 45deg 2 legs of a right triangle will be even. Thus, the matching measurement from eye to hand on pole, then set to 90deg(arm and pole). The resulting angle is 45deg.(from eye to top of pole) now follow that and line up top of tree to where standing(by walking forward/backward to get tree sited), and that is fall- in theory. Even looking in pail of water, between legs is trying to get a 45-45-90...
But, that is for straight, and not leaning tree, and there is some error cuz to be exacter, you'd measure to armpit, and sight at armpit. i like using a length from hand to ear to help compensate. But, all give an idea, and if get real comfy with it, can even plot how much larger tree is than yard, and pace off on ground and transfer to tree, just what lengths you can top out and then quit cutting (to fell) - all with climber on ground; so he has idea of what and where will work to maximize filling the kz / available space.
Another tactic is to look from the side of the fall, take stick and hold up and line up top of stick with top of tree, and your fist (as pivot) with the 'hinge', then 'fell' stick on rotation of wrist. Site off, and pace out to measure etc. But mostly we were concerned about space, than measuremeant.