"Been There, Milled That"
I think I would go with the company idea as well
Makes you seem to be a "bigger thinker", concentrating on the way the companies play in the world, vs something you could hold in either hand. That doesn't mean you couldn't do a bit on engineering within that framework, but only if it's going to be longer.
If it's going to be short, then do a compare and contrast on how the companies have used engineering to get around design obstacles and the different cultural focuses in design. I've always been a sucker for German engineering, usually it is fantastic (been driving VWs for YEARS, on my 4th, approx. 550,000 miles, 430k of it on two cars, new one just turned 70k), but the Huskies are very well thought out and engineered saws as well. Don't try to pick a winner, just focus on the different thinking that went into them. You could find a couple of special things about both (ie, Husky's outboard clutch which is supposed to run cooler and not bake your seals). What would be even better is if you could find a Husky saw to borrow for the day, or print off pictures highlighting the differences.
What most of us boneheads here think doesn't matter much in the big picture, but input from a mechanic type who has worked on both could add something.
BTW, I ALWAYS did well on presentations in college...and after. Saved my bosses backside a few times and have got some cool toys to show for it. He is always very grateful when I pull off what needs to be done, and is often very generous because of it.
Makes you seem to be a "bigger thinker", concentrating on the way the companies play in the world, vs something you could hold in either hand. That doesn't mean you couldn't do a bit on engineering within that framework, but only if it's going to be longer.
If it's going to be short, then do a compare and contrast on how the companies have used engineering to get around design obstacles and the different cultural focuses in design. I've always been a sucker for German engineering, usually it is fantastic (been driving VWs for YEARS, on my 4th, approx. 550,000 miles, 430k of it on two cars, new one just turned 70k), but the Huskies are very well thought out and engineered saws as well. Don't try to pick a winner, just focus on the different thinking that went into them. You could find a couple of special things about both (ie, Husky's outboard clutch which is supposed to run cooler and not bake your seals). What would be even better is if you could find a Husky saw to borrow for the day, or print off pictures highlighting the differences.
What most of us boneheads here think doesn't matter much in the big picture, but input from a mechanic type who has worked on both could add something.
BTW, I ALWAYS did well on presentations in college...and after. Saved my bosses backside a few times and have got some cool toys to show for it. He is always very grateful when I pull off what needs to be done, and is often very generous because of it.