help with arborist certification exam

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Checked the ISA website yesterday morning, and I'm listed as an Arborist, so I guess I passed. That is the coolest way to check! Still a bit nervous until the certificate is in my hand. After completing the test, I'd say that I was a bit dissapointed with the amount of questions that did not come from the text. I am curious to see what everybody put for the most common type of safety device when working along the road. I chose safety vests, just due to previous experience doing abatement with Department of Transportation.

Congrats to all that passed!

I used that Virginia Tech site as well. I actually printed out each of the fact sheets from the trees that were listed for the exam. It cost me a lot of money in printer ink, but now I have a binder worth keeping. I would agree this site was a huge help. The tree pics on the exam were not nearly as good. I was able to pick the correct answer on a few of the trees because some of the answer choices were not trees on the list. Don't rely on memorizing the list though. As for the rest of the exam, I feel the main focus was biology, safety, pruning, construction and a handful of questions about decay. I would recommend reading the study guide from cover to cover and know your key terms at the beginning of each chapter. Good luck.
Nice work guys. Congratulations, it was apparent from your posts that you took the studying part seriously. What's next? Studying for the Utility test? Quick arborist story: A friend was working at a golf course, bright guy, a lawyer, and no slouch when it came to hard work. The golf course hired a new arborist and my friend was asking him some questions about the different tree species on the course. After about a half day of questions the arborist turns to him and says "If you are not an arborist there are only two types of trees that you should know, leafies and pokies". My friend stopped talking to that schmuck. Blows my mind that someone could be that arrogant only because he passed a pretty easy test. Have to go bid on a pokey removal now, good job gang.
Finally got the cert. I do have to say, that in hindsight, it wasn't too tough of a test. I would say that based on the amount of information that comes out of the book, I studied the book far more than I needed too. I am still curious how a test that is given nation wide, can be based so heavily on work experience that as we all know varies so greatly based on location.

I took it in 97 . all I had to study with was the ISA CA book from that time. we were about of the last to have real samples of leaves & twigs for Tree ID now they have a Set of Pic's for all just so each of the tests are given the same, CA. may be the only difference. Now I am a ISA proctor for the tests the ones I have seen are about the same as in 97 just far different questions some of the Domains have changed. Looking back I should have become certified far sooner I had been doing tree work for 17 years, I had a background that made it less of a strain, but I know now I should have done it in 88 or 89 . I know that a lot of people think that it is all a money scam on CEU's and the re-certification and it may be you don't get much for free anymore but it has been better with it than without. People working for the City, County & State and of course Home Owners.
I do believe that a Certified Arborist should be a Climber, a Working Tree Worker and not just some one that may be in the Office of a tree co..
but that is just me.