You're more full of **** than my turkey will be in a couple of weeks.
I never said what you’re claiming. Go back and reread, it's in the post you quoted when you made this asinine claim.
I run 3/8 63PMX picco on my 066 for milling. So.....I have 3003 mount 3/8 picco bars, in various lengths. I can change a rim and bar (I have) on my 026 and run 63RS picco chains; it's faster and costs me a RS chain/small picco rim. The 066 runs a different spline clutch than my 026/028, so rims don't switch, bars and chains will.
One more. I don't run picco on my 066 for crosscut, then it's 33RM/RS 3/8
Apples and oranges compared to the OP’s scenario. I’ll repeat, there’s more negatives for him than positives, a lot more, your scenario I can understand, you’re setup with it already for other reasons.
For what he has and does though, it’s not worth the conversion to gain a small amount of speed in a work environment, we ain't talking about cutting cookies for bragging rights.
If anything, if he's going to convert, it should be 3/8 standard to match his other saws. One size file, one guide, and one roll of chain. Anything else is nonsensical for him.
I also never said the pico wouldn’t be faster like you claimed I did, I said exactly the opposite. But hell, let's steer him towards the pico conversion to save a minute or two out of a work day and have to deal with the hassle from that point on for making the conversion, we'll leave out the more frequent sharpenings, added costs, not only for the conversion, but every time he needs to buy a bar or chain which will be more often compared to what he previously had, the useless current bar and spare chains he’ll now have without switching rims back and forth, yeah, that bar and chain he can still use in the woods without losing E-clips swapping rims if he sticks with .325 .063, the useless files and guide he already has if he's not up for switching rims back and forth, and the need to buy a different size set of files and guide. You know, so he saves 1-2 minutes every 60 cuts he makes. Brilliant advice he's getting from you, an "educator" and the other guy that ran.
Now tell me how I’m full of “****”. Quote a post to backup your claim that I said pico was slower.
And yes I know what pico chain cuts like compared to .325 .063.