Well, Dennis, seeing's you've been in and around some this afternoon/evening and didn't offer up input until after my last post, am I to assume you're referring to me as part of the "peanut gallery"? Or are you referring to Mark, maybe? Or someone else?
Let's go with it's me you're talking about, so I'll have standing to say something about it. And bear in mind that I'm only talking for me; not anybody else who's posted in this thread, okay?
Beyond a "that's kind of neat" sort of way, I personally don't give two hoots about chainsaw racing, much less who makes the fastest saws or chain to race with. Nothing like any of that was the reason I went out to Dan's. Rather, it was to meet some of the people who hang out at this site. I think we have a little something in common beyond the racing stuff.
I had some fun running a few different saws, but only ones that might actually see <i>real</i> use for me, and especially because they're not readily available for sampling in my area. I don't think I so much as blipped the throttle on a piped saw -- they don't interest me that much.
Obviously there were some there who have a great interest in such things as highly-modified saws and talented racers, and I can appreciate their having such interest; I've got some rather esoteric interests myself. As I've reported earlier/elsewhere, while they were hot and heavy with the "real" race saws I was off helping a human saw-wielding squirrel because that's much more interesting to me.
I guess what I'm getting ready to say is that even if you were the best saw builder, chain maker, and user of the equipment in the world, (or if you personally know or hang out with them,) it doesn't really mean much to me. And likely the majority of the members here. I don't get too involved in behind-the-scenes BS here, and frankly don't understand it.
If I go to Oroville, and I just might, it won't be to race or to bow at the feet of the victors, but to have some fun with some good folks. Will you be there and be one of them?