Agreed. It is more equipment to carry along, and all that kit can get messy, and the crabs can cross when slack, and... So, I just ordered a Hitch Climber and a couple of Petzl OKs; Nick's making me up some shorter Icetail eye-eyes (for use of Michoacan), and I'll be giving it a go. Which hitch is everyone finding they prefer with the Hitch Climber? I have been using the VT with the Anchor-Bridge setup. Who says an old dog can't be led to learn new tricks? I thought I was doing well to incorporate a closed hitch, split tails, and the anchor-bridge into my repertoire. (Actually I wouldn't have the energy to haul myself around five large trees in a day without them!) I shake my head to think I started on manila with homemade rope saddle and lanyards nearly 30 years ago.
The thread on using a Ropeman or prussik and pulling a length of line through ones attachment point on the saddle to get the HC/hitch away far enough to haul oneself up into the tree looks awkward (Not sure if I saw that thread here or TreeBuzz or TreeHouse). I was thinking of using one of the extensions from the anchor-bridge to move the hitch away from me a set distance until I reach my TIP. Any thoughts? Anyone try that?