Home brewed equip. diesel

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I have heard of guys that run heating oil it there diesels but never done that.

Fuel Oil (heating oil) has red dye in it, Diesel Fuel does not. Get caught with dye in your on-road vehicle and you are in trouble. I do not know what the penalties are but BELIEVE they are fairly stiff. Fuel Oil will work in a Diesel engine but the dye does not wash out, it stays in the filter media and a little bit of it colors the Diesel Fuel to the point that it is obvious that Fuel Oil has been run in the system.

I'd hate to read a post that you, or anyone, got nailed hard for doing that.
My uncle owns a mechanics shop and does alot of oil changes. he pours all of his old oil in a huge tank behind his shop. there is motor oil, trans oil and maybe even alittle anti freeze. Could a person just strain this stuff and run it??
Problem with home brew around here is so many people are trying to make it there isnt enough veggie oil to go around.But soon new veggie oil will be cheaper than diesel.

You got that right, they should be prosecuted for highway robbery
diesel is a byproduct and supposed to be cheap wtf :confused: if
it is not illegal it should be.
I've heard of beetle kill being used to make fuel... Lots to go around if that works! Ha ha, that's about the only good thing about the situation I guess.
My uncle owns a mechanics shop and does alot of oil changes. he pours all of his old oil in a huge tank behind his shop. there is motor oil, trans oil and maybe even alittle anti freeze. Could a person just strain this stuff and run it??

NO can't run the used oil have him save the trans fluid separate and just run that. The oil is used harder in the engine than trans fluid is used in the trans. I.E. to dirty and not slippery enough. You sure don't want coolant in the mix.
Any of you guys ever look into running on woodgas?

They are setting up a pilot plant in Germany to convert trees into biodiesel by first chipping them and then doing charred gasification.
Thanks for the link on woodgas it was pretty cool.
Pricing things out it seem like WVO for my F-350 will run me at least 5000 for all the setup and conversion, *$#@! Powerstroke engine, they just had to dead head the fuel line! At least I am not having that much trouble finding WVO. I will have to look into tranny fluid but just don't know about that.
The really funny part about all this... I am back in school at Stark State for Mechanical Engineering Technology specializing in Fuel Cells. I want to get established in my career get my B.S.M.E. but still like the diesel engine and its potential for the future partnered up with a fuel cell system.
Yep, make my own, biodiesel, for the last 3 years. Run it in my 24v Cummins, 12v Cummins, sometimes in my Kubota.
The Methanol is the most expensive thing (last time I got it the price was 5.14 a gallon). The next most expensive thing is your time, collecting the oil, filtering, processing, washing, filtering some more, storing. The Lye or Potash is negligible in cost.

The other pain is getting a good supply, as resturaunts vary in their oil quality. Some fry zuchinni and the crap that is left in the oil, well I don't even want to try to process it. Others use the oil so long that it takes extra time and procedures to get the oil to a quality that wil process into biodiesel. Many also put water into the oil, whether it's from leaving the lid off the container in the rain or washing the last of the oil out of the fryer and dumping all of it into the container. These things make you have to spend more time in messing with the oil.

You'll need several resturaunts, unless you can find some place that uses enough quantity to fulfill your needs, and you have time to process that amount. For instance, I won't be using it in my bucket truck any time soon, because if I did I'd need several more resturaunts, and a few more hours in the day to process it just to keep up with how much the truck uses.

The only real issues with mine is that when the temp gets around 30 degrees it gets kinda thick and gells around 20. If above 30 degrees I can run B100 (100%) with no problems. I am trying to increase the quality so the gell point will be lower.

I have never messed with running straight WVO because I don't want to deal with the duel fuel systems and heating one of them.

Same here

Chris, how's it goin man? Yep, been doin some research and can't find any resteraunts yet that don't already have someone getting the wvo. But,i'd like to report that i made a test batch with new veg oil the other day and tried it in the kubota tractor and man that thing never ran so good. I've got a friend who owns K-Chemical Corp. inc in Bean Station Tn and they sell me the methanol for a dollar a quart so 4.00 a gallon. May be able to get you a deal. The lye is equally priced as well. Are you using a processor from home or a comm. unit? Got another source on the oil and will know next week. Good luck bud and take it ez. I'll keep you posted on the progress:cheers:
What resource or book did you guys use for the biodiesel? It seems like a better option for me then the hassle of setting up a dual fuel system for my truck. How big of a batch do you make at one time?
Batch size

The test batch i made was 3liters. Made it in a 2 liter bottle 1 liter at a time. Just havin a hard time findin the wvo, but one source sounds promising. Will know in a few days. I'll wait till i get a good source before i order the processor. The source to go to is a real good guy named Guy Purcella whos web site is EZBIODIESEL.COM. bUY HIS BOOK(15.95) at your local book retailer and you'll get 50.00 discount off the purchase price of your processor! He's also doin free shipping to the east coast(normally 350 or so from his location in cali) till like march 29. So check it out fast. I've read his book and the info is great as well as the web site. But whatever you do, do not cut any corners on this stuff. Do it right the first time man. Don't jeapordize your safety and/or your vehicle! When you do make the first batch and enjoy your free ride around town, your buddy will puke in agony while he continues to ignorantly fuel his truck at over 4.00/gallon with the inferior crap at the local filling station. Just remind them too that the petro is killin his motor and you're helping the environment by runnin a fuel that has 75% less particulate matter and better mileage to boot! Keep it low key. Depending on where you live they may try to tax you at some point. At which point there are a plethora of tax breaks and such.Hmm, that's funny how the feds know it's a good thing but don't put much study into it. Kinda makes you think they wanna polish that petro laden foreign interest huh? Take it ez man, good fuelin!:cheers:
:monkey: Torquin, careful with the h20 heater, i've heard of a lot of house fires with these and the sides of the heater, well you can't view the process so i don't know how you're regulating glycerine levels. Be careful. With the water heater i think they say it's best to run only a single element or the bottom element in a dual setup. By no means ever let it get over 130F. Any hotter or much cooler and the reaction will not take place. So have you had good success yet? Good luck cya
I have had lots of success, and I heat to about 145 degrees. The water heater is no big deal. I have a sight glass on the side to see the level, but seing inside would not give me any control over glycerin so I don't know what use it would be in that respect.

good fuelin

just makin sure you could view your glycerine evels. But, glycerine's a hell of a lot easier to drain when it's contained in a cone processor opposed to the h20 heater,but each to his own. Anyway good your deleting OPEC and the nasty system and feels good too! Good luck bud!!:monkey: