HOMELITE CS-50 Question ?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
Earth City ,MO
I have a Homelite CS-50 that I bought new ~7 years ago. It is usually "Old Faithful".
I recently got it out to use and couldn't get it started. I replaced the plug with a Champion RCJ6Y. I could get it to fire, however I couldn't ever get it to run properly. Yesterday I decided to purchase another new sparkplug and I had the counterman look up the plug application in his Champion book. It called for a RCJ7Y. I also mixed up some new fuel (32:1) and attemped to start it. In the meantime I found out that I should be running 50:1 fuel mix, however I havn't dilluted the fuel yet. The only way that I can get it to run is zip tie the throttle wide open, close the choke, pull start, one poof, open the choke halfway, pull again, it will run kind of but I can't ever get the engine to "tach up" I presently have the air filter off and when it does run, it sputters fuel out of the air inlet. ( don't know if it does this normally because this is the first time that I have run it without the cover or the filter). Also when I open the choke all of the way it dies,and there also is not enough RPM's to engage the clutch.
It this a fuel delivery problem or is my coil going out ? Is the coil a solid state piece or are there points under the coil, partially sheared key ? I don't know.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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CS-50 Repairs:

I would say, that unless you knew a bit on how to check out the saw and do your own repairs, to take it to someone who does. It might save you more in the long run. JMO. Lewis.
I am attempting to check out my saw, and I will do my own repairs. That is why I searched on the Internet to find a website where someone could "HELP" ! What do you think is wrong with the saw Sir ?:confused:
CS-50 Saw:

I would say that if the saw starts the spark probably is all right. Sounds like you have a fuel problem. My C-51 did about the same thing and it ended up that the carb needed some cleaning and was way out of adjustment. But I went completely through the fuel system while making my checks and doing a presure/vacume check of the crankcase. As I said, unless you know, take it to someone who does. Lewis.
i would check to see if the fuel filter is clogged or a cracked fuel line...try backing out the low and high carb screws and then try to run it...and if it has been setting with mix in it for a long time the carb could be gummed up with old 2 cycle oil....i'll try to help you al i can
CS-50 Saw:

You might also want to check the impulse passages from the crankcase to the carb. They have been known to get plugged with carbon. Lewis.
If you don't know anything at all, do some searches here.
Take it step by step, eliminate one system at the time and perhaps it will come to you.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm currently searching Altavista for Homelite info, exploded views etc. No luck on that though.
I'm still looking !
Carb looked really good. And the soft plastic hoses are in good shape too. I think the primer bulb may have a small hole in it.
I bypassed it but haven't tried to start it again.(Bad left shoulder):rolleyes:
Plugged checks

Chances are,the carb needs a little attention.Sounds like the diaphram,and checks in the fuel pump are gunked up.Take the carb apart,clean it up,blow all the passages with air,put it back together.32 to 1 mix,won't hurt it a bit,probabley half the folks on this site run that mixture.It must likely has a Walbro,or Zama carb.Both have informative web sites.Good luck.
rebuild the carb, and replace the fuel filter and fuel lines too, as well as the primer bulb if its suspected to be leaking.
Rough runner

There is a small, white, micro-filter that gets clogged that makes the chainsaw run like this. Have to take off the red plastic cover to get to it. You should see it. Cover is fun to get on and off until you have done it a few times. just tough finding the right turn and twist to get it twisted back into place under the handles. filter is just a small (square I think), white, thin piece of nylon fibre kind of material. If I remember right it sits in front of the carborator.

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