Homelite EZ auto dying under WOT, running out of fuel??

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Oldham County, Kentucky
Okay, yesterday i rebuilt the carb on my homelite, today I replaced the fuel line and fuel filter. The saw runs great at idle, 1/4 throttle, 1/2 throttle, 3/4 throttle, but if I run it wide open through, say, a 12" log, about 8"-10" into the log, sometimes after a few logs, it will act like it's not getting fuel. It's acting just like a vehicle with a worn fuel pump, it can support itself up until all power is needed, then it runs out of fuel. What is causing it? Mixture adj. is fine. Thanks, Phillip
I'm not familiar with the EZ model, but had the same thing happening on a 046 I changed the tank vent and haven't had any more problems. Does the EZ have a tank vent and have you checked it?
Also, i can work with is for an unlimited amt. of time just so long as I don't run it WOT.

I sure made a lot of cuts today just trying to get this thing worked out.

More times than not,the condition,as descibed ,is due to the fuel lever being set too low.This is most likely the most important adjustment on the carb.If it is set too high,it will flood,if too low it will lean out to the point of stalling the engine.
Tillotson has an excellent website that covers all the carbs with trouble shooting instructions .
I don't have the EZ model in my library of saw stuff but I assume it's a Tilley,no matter because all diaphragms carbs work the same.
Carb is a walbro. This lever is the one that looks like a float valve without a float? It would make sence if that was the problem. I'll look at that website too. -Phillip -Phillip
kentuckydiesel said:
Carb is a walbro. This lever is the one that looks like a float valve without a float? It would make sence if that was the problem. I'll look at that website too. -Phillip -Phillip
Walbro has a website also.