homelite XL...intermittent cutting

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 11, 2005
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i was given a lil XL a few weeks ago, played with it today, runs good though a lil heavy for a small saw.
when cutting, it cuts good, but than stops cutting......the chain is still moving, but not cutting. i didn't have time to check it out, but the chain is sharp and the chain tension was good. any ideas/suggestions? i probably won't have time to toy with it till next weekend.
Does the chain slow down like it isn't being driven 100% or does it start to not take chips like it is dull and can't bite? If it is slowing down, something is wrong with the drive or the saw is not running properly and dying (although since you didn't mention this, I'll assume it isn't dying). Otherwise something isn't right with the chain. I'd check your clutch, sprocket, bar and chain to ensure all are functioning properly. Then I'd recheck the chain for angles, sharpness, depth gauge setting and anything else that might be amiss with the chain.
Possibly the clutch is slipping and its not cutting as well as it should because of that.
TimberPig said:
does it start to not take chips like it is dull and can't bite?

thats exactly what it is doing, it stays at full rpm, chain does not slow down. it will cut great for 5 or 10 secs, than not cut at all for 5 or 10 secs, than start cutting again. chain is well lubed and sharp. the bar looks to be the original bar, but not sure about the chain.
What do you know about bars and chains? Sounds to me like maybe the drive links are too sloppy in the bar, maybe because it's got the wrong chain on the bar, but more likely because the bar is just plain worn out. If the chain gets too sloppy in the groove, the chain wants to "flop over" and not have the teeth contacting the wood the way they should. See hor far sideways you can push the chain, how much "flop" there is. check against a new bar/chain combo if you can to see the difference. A new chain on a worn out bar won't cut very well.
PWB said:
If the chain gets too sloppy in the groove, the chain wants to "flop over" and not have the teeth contacting the wood the way they should.
that is what it seems like it is doing, so i guess it has the wrong chain or the bar is worn....will look at it and see next weekend, if that is the case, will get a new bar/chain combo for it.

ps....which oregon chain is comparable to stihl RS? and how is the quality compared to stihl?
LG or LP would be most comparable to RS. Oregon chain tends to be slightly softer (easier filing) and wears at the rivets a little quicker than Stihl chain, but for most users, especially on an occasional use saw it is ok. It also tends to be a little cheaper than Stihl chain.

You said the chain was sharp, but have you also checked the depth gauges? Your problem may be as simple as depth gauges not allowing your teeth into the wood. I've done this before when I'm in a hurry and sharpened the teeth and skip checking the depth gauges.

yes, the rakers are at about .025"
i am thinking the bar may be the problem, it looks to be the original and the saw looks to have a good amout of use. the funny thing is it cuts for a few secs, than the chain rides right over the wood(like the rakers are too high), than starts cutting again and so on.