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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 7, 2001
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hello, just picked up a homelite super ez. what a little screamer. anyone know how many cc's they are, and what year? i've never seen a saw that small with a compression release, but i did find out why. almost need to use the stirrup start method without it. anyways, i thought it was a cool little saw to add to my ever growing collection, even though i'm partial to large displacement saws. paid 47 bucks and the only thing wrong with it was a broken tab inside the muffler that holds the outer cover on. easy fix, cleaned all the crud out and it runs strong. seems like every saw i get has never been cleaned its entire life. i don't know why. it's a simple matter to pull the fan housing off and blow the crap out every once in a while. oh well, gonna go bury it into a hard maple and see if it's as strong as it sounds.
The Super EZ's a high-compression 2.5 CID (41cc) saw. Probably the best saw ever made in that class. I believe it uses premium gas, but I'm not sure.

Take good care of her. Nice find!
thats a nice lookin pile of logs. what i wouldn't give to have that in my back yard, along with a tanker truck of mix and bar oil!
Oakman Thats not fire wood them there are saw logs ,I plan on hammering about 350 of them monday. That's Red Oak . When sawing White Oak tie logs ,my best 39mbf. and I only saw till noon then the other sawyer takes over. Thats when I bust out the Nash
yea, i know what a saw log is. i wouldn't dream of chopping any of that up for fuel wood, well, maybe just a couple little ones! i build custom cabinets and furniture, i also fall, mill, dry, and process my own lumber. i use a 088 and a homemade mill to saw my boards. nothing compared to what you do, for sure, but i have fun, and make a lot of sawdust.
got any pics of the saw? just wondering what type you use to saw logs. i always wanted to drop big trees for a living. great fun for me. i tipped a big red oak over a few weeks ago. it was 52 inches at the butt. used my new 066 that i opened up the muffler. made quick work of that old oak.
oakman I dont have any pictures of the head rig yet it will be a week or two.The carrige is a Cleereman mbl36 the saw is a 56'' simonds that turns 600rpm -200hp and 100hp carriage drive.Our carriage also has on board log turnners so you can turn the log on the fly and mellot #5 to postion the log on the carriage.You can check out our Iowa mills web site I don,t think there is pics of the Wisconsin mill there. Seth http://showcase.netins.net/web/wlumber/
Homelite Super EZ Automatic

Hay Oakman,Aaron Francisco here.I have the same saw & it does have some very strong power. I use the commpression release all the time. Like you said that is so small you would not think that you need it till you pull,or if you want to break the rope.I pappened up on that saws and all the others,but all it needed was a $6.00 rebuild kit & it's running fine after some adjustments on the carb. let us know how it works GOOD LUCK.

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