110F is NOT hot at all. Don't worry. I should have asked earlier, thought you meant really hot. However, if tank is cool, the piston seals may still be an issue.
just working up & down doesn't overheat if not stalled at relief.
100F over ambient is too hot for this type of machine. Hydrostatics yes, but not simple logsplitter.
Ideal would be 100 to 140F maybe. Don't want systems running too cold as the moisture builds up from breathing air in & out. Running above 125F seems to drive most moisture out.
Petroleum oil 140 to 160 is desired maximum. Viscosity gets too low, and the oil starts to oxidze at higher temps. Oil life drops, but in a splitter, no worries, don't use it enough. I try to design for 140F max, 180 is a caution, 200 shut it down.
More valuable than a specific number is the trend: if it always used to run at xx temperature, and now is 20 degrees hotter there is a reason.