Well, hasn't the good old
snake oil marketing machine of Gatorade sucked you all in!
Tch Tch Tch, seldom believe what a company selling a product says, and of course they don't want you drinking water ... that's free. Aren't they owned by Pepsi.
Oh yeah, it's got all those "good things" in it unlike water ... take a closer look. Do some research on what the body really needs.
Master Blaster and Kentucky Sawyer you are both wrong, not your fault, just conned by the marketing machine ... here's the facts ..
Salt is needed by the human body in order to help muscles and nerves to work and to regulate blood pressure. Hormones help the body regulate how much salt and water is needed. If the body has too much salt the excess sodium chloride is excreted. If the body has too little salt more water is excreted from the body in order to preserve the BrCl/H2O balance in the body. (source
So drinking plenty of water cannot flush out the electrolytes.
On a hot day you would have to drink around 5L of water a day, if you drank that as Gatorade you would have also consumed 1100 empty calories of sugar and got 2.2 grams of sodium, 0.6 grams of potassium in salts. Not to mention that you would have spend $20 on the crap. And that amount of "electrolyte mineral support" from that volume of product is a joke. They're selling you a dimes worth of minerals with coloured water and sugar! SUCKED IN!!!!
Yes, Gatorade is a better alternative than soft drink etc but it is not the panacea for your summer sweating woes. It is the way to your wallet and ill health in the long term.
So, you now know how little is in it, and you now know what it is that you need so you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure the rest out.
Also, don't forget there are other salts like magnesium that will benefit your body too, so go to your local health shop, forget the mix with water rip off type of rubbish, buy some tablets that have potassium, sodium, magnesium etc and away you go. Electrolyte re-hydration for a dime a day that wont give you type 2 diabetes.