Hot-weather work

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There has been adverts over here, about us Brits visiting the States on holiday. Mum and Dad are pouring the 'good' fluids (water/juice etc.) into the childern during the hot daytime, while drinking alcohol themselves and ending up in the ER. Nice vacation! :dizzy:

Strange thing though, Im ex-military, did not need anywhere near the same amount of water/fluid on a hot day when I was younger?

Nothing nicer than a 'cold one' in the evening, especially after a good day ;)
I'm a former Marine, did near nine years in The Corps. Never worked as hard there as I do in trees, and I was in hotter areas with a 60# pack (Only did the +100# LRRP/STA thing once, most of that was amo and batteries for the radio). I cannot take anywhere near the number of naps I did back then.
Vented helmets also help, lots of new ones out now with plenty of holes, be good if they had a little fan in there run on batteries!
newb said:
Ive run a number a marathons and one of the things you do have to watch out for is drinking to much water. When you are sweating alot you are loseing alot of important nutrients. It is possible to overdose on water and die. Dont laugh, it is documented in Runners World magazine. For every glass of water you drink, you should drink a sport drink. There is a term for the condition and if you make fun of me I will dig through old mags and find it. Be safe, be smart. Pete

I agree, drink one water for every one electrolyte drink, or mix a weak solution up, thats what i do when i compete now.

Or if you want a bit of a burst at the end of the day, mix water and coke half and half.
Hey MasterBlaster

I noticed that helmet you're wearing has heaps of holes in it for venting, what type is it and where from?
Ekka said:
Hey MasterBlaster

I noticed that helmet you're wearing has heaps of holes in it for venting, what type is it and where from?

I believe that helmet is an original, like the Blaster himself. I am pretty sure in the interest of safety he did remove it before drilling the holes in it. ;)
Its a bump cap with holes drilled in it :).

And wearing glasses reduces eye strain which decreases mental fatigue. Decreased mental fatigue reduces the stressor that heat adds mentally. Kinda tricks your mind into thinking that the sun isnt beating down quite as hard. It works, try it.
Easy on the coffee in the morning too. Caffine, carbonated drinks, and alcohol will all add to dehydration. A cup or two won't hurt, but replace lost fluids with water. The cool scarf thing is awesome, but slightly misleading. It stays wet, but does not get cold like an instant ice pack. The package kinda led me to believe it got cold. Keep it in an ice cooler though and you got a winner. Snug it on the neck a little, right on the carotid and the heat ain't so bad. And for the climbers with saddles that got leg straps that offer no air circulation, may I suggest a bit of baby powder or goldbond. I think that is the worst about working in hot weather. ;)
I try to get started early so that I can finnish early. I get to the job about 30 minutes after sunup and my saw makes sure the neighbors are up between 6:30 and 7:00. Doesn't really start getting hot until about 10:30. But by this time, I might not have any shade left (depending on the job), and about 11:00 we take lunch. After lunch, we only have a couple of hours of work left to do, and we are out of there by 3:30 at the latest. Being productive during the cooler part of the day is how I deal with the heat. Of course I drink plenty of water, too.
Think cool thoughts!

(When you are sweating alot you are loseing alot of important nutrients. It is possible to overdose on water and die. For every glass of water you drink, you should drink a sport drink. There is a term for the condition"

Newb, the term is hyponatremia, the na like Na, for sodium, so it means too little sodium/salt. It'll make ya real dizzy and yes it can be lethal. I used to be a :blob6: running junkie, >80 marathons, >40 ultramarathons. One of the worst runs was the American River 50-miler, ran from Sacramento upstream.

Blazing hot, I could not drink enuf and checked in at the aid station around 35 miles, really woozy. :dizzy: they stuck me with a needle and I pulled in 2 liters of saline and they told me I should get a ride back. I snuck away, ate a cantalope and a candy bar and finished the run, shuffling in the dark with the graybeards.

A day later I checked into Harrah's at Lake Tahoe to party with a friend; spent 3 days in the bathroom with Giardia, gut crud I got from drinking out of Folsom Lake, tallkin bout the Folsom Prison Blues :cry: ....Most of the other runes were fun, many transcendental.

Oh yeah, trees. Thursday the day I broke that lantern, it was 97 degrees but humidity was only 50 so I can't blame the weather on that.
texasnative said:
Heat index is supposed to be 110 tommorow.
Almost sounds nice. 130 here lately. A really dry heat though, easier than putting up with the humidity. Only been here 9 days, and we got our fourth sandstorm right now. I miss my Buffalo weather. :cry: I guess we sweat, but it evaporates instantly. Until you enter a tent or building. Then you are drenched. Even worse while wearing the battle rattle. Still, the weather doesen't seem as bad as I was expecting. :)
Jonny take care of yourself buddy!!! Nothing like a helmet and flak vest in the heat!!! Respirator on makes for a lovely combo!! Humidex was 105F a couple of times this past week but mercifully it has cooled off nicely this past couple of days.
2 liters of water to 1 cup of grape juice, 2 cotton shirts at a time and peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches on whole wheat (Perfect carb to protein to fat ratio)...That's how this CNY redneck protects his eloctrolyte balance.
The biggest benefit of sports drinks/juice (IMO) is that the flavor increases the amount you drink over plain water. Mixing a little bit of juice can double my fluid consumption.
one of the first solo gigs I took, I will never forget. 75 feet up in a dead oak with nothing to drink and 88 degree weather. Thought I could run up the tree and slice and dice without a refill. I always take gatorade with me now. (unless I have a groundie)