How do you guys bid on apartment complex's?

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I've done one large apartment complex. It was a complete pain in the ass dealing with the tenants. We had several run down our cones and through our drop zone. One got a cone stuck under their car and kept going. We even had caution tap up in one area and had a lady duck under it. I was in a tree cutting a limb loose and she walked right under me. Since that experience, I bid them high. Its worth a premium price to deal with the bs.
Honestly, Id rather just do residential work.
Commercial work, especially apartment complex's are such a hassle!
They always get multiple quotes, they always take a bit longer to pay and they are always a pain in the ass!

Do any of you intentionally pass up on large jobs like apartment complex's??

Yes!!! Especially because every d-head and a-hole in the place wants to come out and yap at you about what they want done, how to do your job, etc. etc. I avoid apartments and condos LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!
We don't do residential, that is a pain in the ass.
Apartments, HOA's, commercial, school districts and such, and love it. We couldn't make over a couple million a year like we do, but demographics plays a big part.
We don't do residential, that is a pain in the ass.
Apartments, HOA's, commercial, school districts and such, and love it. We couldn't make over a couple million a year like we do, but demographics plays a big part.

I'm on board with everything you said except the apartments...F working at apartments.