Well guys Big Pharma is not interested in making a vaccine that will be a most likely one time inoculation . Patents like Viagra are a far better investment for them. From what I've read it was most likely traced back to bats and pangolins a scaly mammal that eats ants. Researchers said they found a 99 percent match between the genome sequences of viruses in pangolins and those in human patients after testing more than 1,000 samples and from wild animals. Not scientific evidence just yet, but many believe it crosses over into humans and it spreads. They are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Look em up, strange lookin creature. Remember that H1N1 which is "swine flu" and "bird flu" are viruses that crossed over. Ya know Armadillos are one of the few creatures that still carry Leprosy, don't eat one of those little suckers you can contract leprosy. Corona or Corvid-19 will run it's course, people will die others will survive. Virus and bacteria were here long before humans and will be here long after we are gone. No conspiracy, no plot, no Bill Gates , just mother nature kickin a little arse once again.