How have you hooked up an "add on" wood burner?

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Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
FORMERLY Manyhobies
I have an add on wood burner hooked up to my propane furnace. I would like to know how have you hooked up an "add on" wood burner? I'm currently using the gas blower to pull in the hot air from the add on. I have it connected to the air return duct so cold air is being mixed with the hot air from the add on so I'm getting warm to cool air out my heat ducts. When it's -20 like today it's not really cutting it. Also, it's not that efficient.

Another question is does anyone know where to buy automatic controls for a wood stove? I would like to have a second thermostat for the wood which I would set a few +° than the gas.

When I was a kid we had a draft door lifter that was oil over electric. It was gray, about 6" tall with a lever that had a chain hooked up to the draft inlet. Has anyone else seen this and know where to get one? I tried to find the one my dad's either under a pile of something or tossed out. I've also searched the net and didn't find anything.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I know I'm not always clear. I have ADD so I tend to jump around a bit.

Dan :greenchainsaw: