I like getting my wood done, all at one time, if I can. Thats the reason I built my splitter with the 6way wedge and 5in bore cyl. The splitter will work a person to death trying to keep up with it so I dont try. A few things I do before splitting is stageing the wood. I do seperate the extra large rounds because they will need resplit, but If i have help, I split them as I come to them. I found that to be the one thing that can speed up splitting more than anything I can do. Now, I dont stack rounds in neat stacks beside the splitter, but I do windrow the rounds using the FEL. I then connect my splitter to my ventrac tractor and start at one end of those windrows of rounds. As the wood piles up behind the splitter, I just pull the splitter ahead a little. When I am done splitting, the splits are in a nice neat row, which I scoop up with the FEL and just hall into the wood shed. I can keep the bucket at waist level and just turn and stack. Cuts down on the carrying and lifting and speeds stacking a bunch. Now if I have lots of help, I will back the splitter wedge just inside the shed and scoop the rounds up in the bucket and just drive up beside the splitter. Take wood from bucket and split and stack as it comes off the wedge. The less lifting you have to do, the longer you can work before getting tired. Nothing to pulling levers, you can do that all day in the hottest of weather. I also use the fel when bucking the logs. I need a grapple, but I use a set of log tongs to lift the logs off the ground. I can pull up to a pile of logs, lift the log off the pile, back up a few feet and buck the log without having to stay bent over, or worry about hitting the ground with the saw. Saw stays sharp longer and I aint slipping and tripping and climbing on top of other logs. I can carry the big logs off to one side for separate bucking and splitting. Keeps me from having to sort the big rounds from the small ones. Tractor dont care, and doesnt take but a minute to push the rounds into piles for splitting. While it might seem like a lot of extra work, it really makes things easier and faster because you aint wearing yourself out carrying. bending. and lifting every individual round.