Not handleing any wood right now, right arm in a sling and i aint left handed. Want to lend a helping hand
Agree with you zogger. And maybe one more time if a stack falls over while seasoning.hmm, around 7, tree to in the stove, maybe 8, depends on the piece, needs splitting or smalls. I make segregated stacks for various reasons, so I have extra steps.
LOL I would but I'm a little too far away. Bad time of year for an injury. Hope it heels quickly for you.Not handleing any wood right now, right arm in a sling and i aint left handed. Want to lend a helping hand
Haven't you ever heard of "the stranger"Not handleing any wood right now, right arm in a sling and i aint left handed. Want to lend a helping hand
I use a lot of small equipment to try and make things efficient, but your equipment list is making me jealous. I do like my JD Gator for moving the wood from stacks to the house tho. It doesnt track up the yard, fits inside the basement door (barely) and I dont have to unload it until I put the wood in the stove if I dont want to.For my own firewood..
1: Cut with feller buncher and bunch into piles.
2. Skid to landing
3. Delimb with stroke delimber and sort by species.
4. Load on to log truck
5. Unload logs at the shop.
6. Cut with chainsaw into ~20-25fters (usually in 1/2)
7. Load onto processor with skid steer
8. Cut, split and drop off conveyor into dump truck
9. Haul home (about a mile)
10. Dump in driveway
11. Using a yard cart and ZTR cart it to the backyard and
12. Stack.
Once it's good to burn (a year or longer)
13. Load back into cart and haul front of the house
14. Stack on that rack (on the porch)
15. Load into wood bin as needed (wood bin sits near the stove, holds a couple days worth of wood)
16. Burn.
For wood I sell..
1: Cut with feller buncher and bunch into piles.
2. Skid to landing
3. Delimb with stroke delimber and sort by species.
4. Load on to log truck
5. Unload logs at the shop.
6. Cut with chainsaw into ~20-25fters (usually in 1/2)
7. Load onto processor with skid steer
8. Cut, split and drop off conveyor into dump truck
9. Stack
10. Deliver to customer.
Ferrying around with the yard cart is a pain, but I don't want to make ruts all over my yard from the truck or drive over the septic system with anything heavy.
The rest is pretty efficient. A 7-8hr day in the woods with 2 guys will make around 40-50 cords of logs. Can fit 9-10 cords on the log truck and I can have my big dump truck loaded (5.5 cords) in about 6 hours if I have someone stacking in the truck and someone loading the processor while I run it.