How Much to Trim?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jun 27, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Hey guys,

I've got another newbie question for you. I was reading an article this afternoon on tree trimming, and the article reads "Don't cut a limb too short or leave it too long." It doesn't go into any further elaboration.

Can anyone point me to some good resources / links that will help me gauge how much to trim? I've got several different kinds of trees on my property so something inclusive would be nice as I figure the rules will vary from tree to tree and depend greatly on the age. Or if you have any suggestions for books that I might pick up at the local library that would also be great.

Thanks in advance for helping out!
Google 'target pruning', check the ISA website...make sure any resource you consult is up to date, i'e no flush cuts, no stubs.

Rule of thumb don't take more than 25-30% of the live canopy at any one time. Remember the leaves are the food factory, if you cut too much off the tree will react by flushing out new shoots and leaves to compensate.

I always say, you can take more off but you can't put it back, be conservative to start with.

Trees are amazing live organisms. Treat them with respect. Know the species, find out how it reacts to pruning.

Trees are always trying to acheive a 'state of uniform stress' where each component from the smallest roots and shoots to the largest branches and trunk are trying to attain a state of balance, affect too much of one and there WILL be a reaction, good or bad as the tree attempt to regain its state of balance.
Thanks for the tips, Bermie. I'll definitely check those resources later tonight after I've wound down a little bit.

And my apologies, I probably should have put this in the Homeowner Forum. Still learning the ropes here, and appreciate your guidance.
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