How much wood so far

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We arent into the coldest part of the season yet,but I've been getting by with only loading my OWB half full.I'm gonna try and keep that up.
It's been such a warm fall here. We have used maybe 1/8 cord since the first cold snap in October. We are not burning regularly yet. 2000sf house heated solely with a single wood stove. Looks like I'll have plenty of wood left over for next year.
Wow old thread

This season Ive already used 1 1/2 cord of mixed wood (poplar, beech, green ash, siberian elm, sweetgum, pine, elder) heating my 2000SF house. Its seems to be unusually cold in SW Ohio this year we have had several nights in the low teens with highs in the low 20's and its not even Dec.:jawdrop:
I thought I was burning a lot of wood before I read this post. I have not even used a cord yet to heat a 1200 sf. house. We just put in a Napoleon 1401 and it really puts out the heat. I have wasted some wood getting the feel of this stove. I figure I will burn somewhere between 2 to 3 cords this year.

You do realize that these posts were for last winters use don't you. ;)

I've been using my bad wood first and have used maybe 1/2 of a cord so far this heating season.
I'm a big lurker and rare poster but this thread got me thinking. Looking at some of the numbers you guys are throwing around makes me feel a lot better. I thought I was torching thru my wood pile too quickly. I've gone thru almost a full cord and a half so far. We only use it to heat the house, not hot water so I am sort of cheating. We turned the oil burner off last spring and have only flipped it on twice this season when we had a cold snaps. I have a little Jotul F100 that sits in our famliy room with a built-in circulator fan in the wall above it that runs on a thermostat. This is our first season with it, so we're still working out some of the quirks.
Ready for the cold

Im ready! My stash, split and stacked. I hope to finish splitting up the rest before my carpal tunnel surgery in three weeks. Burned about a cord or two this year.
So far it's been a pretty normal winter for me. I started burning back in
the latter part of September and have gone through about 1 and 2/3 full
cords of mixed hardwood, rock maple, beech, ash, red oak and yellow birch.

September and October were taken care of with a large pile of short ends and stubbies that I saved for this time of year. There was just about one
full cord in that pile and it provided me with a way to use up my waste cuttings before the real cold weather sets in. I am into my year old pile now of 18" wood and on track to use between 5 and 6 cords for the entire winter as things look at the moment. I am using an old Downdrafter stove on the main floor of a 1300 sq. ft. ranch and it does a very good job. There is a propane furnace in the cellar but I rarely run it anymore. I cut a lot this fall so fortunately, I have next years wood drying now and a 4 cord reserve waiting under cover if we get a really severe winter this year. Feels good to be ahead of the game for a change.

Maplemeister: :chainsaw: :popcorn:
About a half of a cord. I have been keeping a fire lit regulary since early November. The first fire of the season for us was in early September. We had a cold rainy night and I couldn't shake a chill till after I lit a fire.

Maybe I just couldn't wait but it felt good warming the house again knowing all we needed was dry and under cover waiting for me to set a match to it.
about 4 stove ( small ) cords so far
indoor wood furnace might have to toss some more in the basement if
it don't warm up the next few months winter seems to have come early & aint gonna let go
We have been burning since about the first of October and have gone through about 3 cords so far. Have another 5 cords ready, but not gonna be enough for the rest of the winter.

Seems that no matter what I do, I cannot get ahead this year. :cry: We burn dead standing pine, poplar and ash. If I can get it into the yard before the snow really flies, then I will get my break for the winter. (if nothing else breaks :censored: )
4 cord so far in the CB 5648 since Oct 1st. Heating 2 houses and hot water for both, plus a garage.
Around 2 1/2 cords in my first year, getting the hang of the proper burn technique...Pine, red/white/black/chestnut oak.
about 3 so far

Started Sept 20th. burned about 3 cords, mostly butt ends, junk, some pine, box elder. Not really too much into the good stuff yet...thanks to a tree guy dumping about 1.5 cords of Sassafras cut to 18" burns pretty good...smells nice too.:chainsaw:
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I have used about 4 cords. On second season with OWB heating house, water and shop at 40°. As with most who have posted I expect to use more this year.
About 1-1/2 cord so far since the begining of Oct. and it has been a colder than normal temps so far here up north. I think you owb guys burn more wood than my indoor wood furnace, and I burn wood exclusivly and keep my house around 78 degrees. I do heat my water with natural gas though.