How often....

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jan 29, 2006
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How often do you handfilers touch up your chain?? Im thinking about trying my hand at hand filing, and Im thinking that keeping it sharp is better than running it till its dull then sharpening.

For a first timer is a Stihl Filing Kit a good place to start to get everything I need?? Any tips or tricks appreciated.
As soon as I hit a nail or some other metal object, chains is :censored: and I leave it till a rainy day or take it back to the shop.

It the wood is clean, I can saw all day and not have to sharpen once. If its a bit muddy, once or twice a day is enough. Very muddy: every hour. Get a file guide. Also, and this is very surprising at first, throw the old files out after 5 sharpenings. They only cost a dollar each. I like the Stihls, but I hear the Oregons are better. I hate the PFerds and so do others on here I've chatted with.


Every other tank of gas I hit the chain two to three licks with a good file. After a while you will get the feel of how much pressure and count the strokes about the same on each tooth.:monkey:
Don't you take all the teeth back until they are sharp? What happens if some of the teeth have been mangled and need a good few more strokes? I always wondered if its better to just leave them blunt, and give each and every tooth the same treatment!?!? Any comments?
I alwyas do what you do DB...fix the mangled teeth even if it means taking off a bit more metal. In general if there is no damage it's 2-4 strokes pr tooth and I freehand.
93_ChargedCobra said:
How often do you handfilers touch up your chain?? Im thinking about trying my hand at hand filing, and Im thinking that keeping it sharp is better than running it till its dull then sharpening.

For a first timer is a Stihl Filing Kit a good place to start to get everything I need?? Any tips or tricks appreciated.

That kit has everything you need to do a good job. The main thing about hand sharpening is PATIENCE. The more you practice it the better you will get so take ya time. If you really want to get good at it and don't want to take a chance on messing up your good chain take a old one and put it in a vice by the drive links and practice ya stroke, sorta like shooting pool, more ya do it the better ya get.................
I would say when I am felling, I sharpen about three times in 7hrs. Sometimes more if the trees are dirty by the stump.
Every other tank or so, before it gets dull,
unless I hit something nasty in the wood. :cry:

My wood is usually nice clean birch.:)

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