How to care for Acer Freemani

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Apr 20, 2022
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Koupil jsem si svůj vysněný strom, Acer freemanii 'Jeffersred'. Mám to ořezat nebo odstranit nějaké větve? Mohla by se větev označená na fotografii v budoucnu zlomit? Děkuji za tipy a rady.
View attachment 1203083Není to dobře vidět, ale modře označená větev převzal roli vůdce a já bych ji viděl. Červeně označenou větev bych ořízl, abych vyvážil a nechal vůdce. Mám to

View attachment 1203083Není to dobře vidět, ale modře označená větev převzal roli vůdce a já bych ji viděl. Červeně označenou větev bych ořízl, abych vyvážil a nechal vůdce. Mám to udělat takto?
"I wrote it the other way around exactly. Prune the blue and make the leader with the red marking. Should I do it like that? Practically, there won’t be much left of the tree. They should have pruned it like that when it started growing. I don’t like it when they don’t take good care of trees but still sell them.
Ano, na jaře jsem koupil červený dub, který byl v kořenovém balu, ale nerašily listy a uschnul. Tak jsem si koupil Acer freemanii. Objednal jsem si tento z internetového obchodu a vždy jsem chtěl tento typ javoru Freeman. Nejsem si však jistý, jestli to mám radikálně ořezávat. Vedlejší větev, kterou se zabývám, se nyní stala hlavním lídrem a já si říkám, jestli by se v budoucnu nemohl zlomit vlastní vahou. Tak by mě zajímal názor někoho, kdo má zkušenosti a rozumí tomu.
Ano, na jaře jsem koupil červený dub, který byl v kořenovém balu, ale nerašily listy a uschnul. Tak jsem si koupil Acer freemanii. Objednal jsem si tento z internetového obchodu a vždy jsem chtěl tento typ javoru Freeman. Nejsem si však jistý, jestli to mám radikálně ořezávat. Vedlejší větev, kterou se zabývám, se nyní stala hlavním lídrem a já si říkám, jestli by se v budoucnu nemohl zlomit vlastní vahou. Tak by mě zajímal názor někoho, kdo má zkušenosti a rozumí tomu.
Sorry. I'm not doing this again.
Please translate and post all your comments in English...
Sorry. I'm not doing this again.
Please translate and post all your comments in English...
Yes, in the spring I bought a red oak that was in a root ball, but the leaves didn’t sprout and it dried out. So I bought an Acer freemanii. I ordered it from an online store, and I’ve always wanted this type of Freeman maple. However, I'm not sure if I should prune it radically. A side branch that I am dealing with has now become the main leader, and I’m wondering if it might break under its own weight in the future. I would be interested in the opinion of someone with experience and understanding in this matter
Yes, in the spring I bought a red oak that was in a root ball, but the leaves didn’t sprout and it dried out. So I bought an Acer freemanii. I ordered it from an online store, and I’ve always wanted this type of Freeman maple. However, I'm not sure if I should prune it radically. A side branch that I am dealing with has now become the main leader, and I’m wondering if it might break under its own weight in the future. I would be interested in the opinion of someone with experience and understanding in this matter
Thanks for translating :)

I zoomed in on one of your photos and this tree looks like a cull (not top quality, something of reduced value, usually garbage). There is no single leader, there appears to have been some poor pruning done, and also what looks like damage to the main trunk just under the fork.
If I were you, unless you agreed to a poor quality tree for a discount, I would contact the seller and tell them the tree is not good quality and want a replacement.

But, that's just my opinion as a homeowner.
You already got a reply from a tree expert.
Thanks for translating :)

I zoomed in on one of your photos and this tree looks like a cull (not top quality, something of reduced value, usually garbage). There is no single leader, there appears to have been some poor pruning done, and also what looks like damage to the main trunk just under the fork.
If I were you, unless you agreed to a poor quality tree for a discount, I would contact the seller and tell them the tree is not good quality and want a replacement.

But, that's just my opinion as a homeowner.
You already got a reply from a tree expert.
View attachment 1203450View attachment 1203451View attachment 1203452View attachment 1203453View attachment 1203454View attachment 1203455View attachment 1203456
Yes, I am aware of the deficiencies in the tree. I noticed them too, but it was too late. When I reach out, they don’t respond. Yes, I also saw that the tree was poorly pruned. Now, I’m wondering if I should prune the lateral terminal or not. Will it break in the future due to its weight or not? If not, I would like to keep it, and I will take care of the tree and prune it as best as I can
Thanks for translating :)

I zoomed in on one of your photos and this tree looks like a cull (not top quality, something of reduced value, usually garbage). There is no single leader, there appears to have been some poor pruning done, and also what looks like damage to the main trunk just under the fork.
If I were you, unless you agreed to a poor quality tree for a discount, I would contact the seller and tell them the tree is not good quality and want a replacement.

But, that's just my opinion as a homeowner.
You already got a reply from a tree expert.
View attachment 1203450View attachment 1203451View attachment 1203452View attachment 1203453View attachment 1203454View attachment 1203455View attachment 1203456
Unfortunately, it works like this here: you buy, you receive the goods, and that's it. Yes, if the tree dies right away or is truly damaged upon arrival and you send photos, you might be able to resolve something, but otherwise, not much can be done.
Yes, I am aware of the deficiencies in the tree. I noticed them too, but it was too late. When I reach out, they don’t respond. Yes, I also saw that the tree was poorly pruned. Now, I’m wondering if I should prune the lateral terminal or not. Will it break in the future due to its weight or not? If not, I would like to keep it, and I will take care of the tree and prune it as best as I can
Oh, okay. In that case, I think you should consider what @TheJollyLogger said and leave it alone and see if it has new growth next spring. If so, you can always consider pruning next year. If no new growth, you haven't wasted your time.