Sorry for the poor pictures - ran out of battery and couldn't tell what they were like.
Found this while falling an old locust. The 'clamp' is madeof two bars of 3/8" x 1 1/2" iron held together by two 3/8" bolts. The stem almost survived as the 'collar' growing over the iron and bolts almost buried them.
The clamp is the dark bar just above the cut off branch. I can't figure out what they were attempting to do. Possibly cure a split before the other stems sprouted?
Harry K
Found this while falling an old locust. The 'clamp' is madeof two bars of 3/8" x 1 1/2" iron held together by two 3/8" bolts. The stem almost survived as the 'collar' growing over the iron and bolts almost buried them.
The clamp is the dark bar just above the cut off branch. I can't figure out what they were attempting to do. Possibly cure a split before the other stems sprouted?
Harry K