How to Clean AirFilter on 028AV

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ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 25, 2009
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I removed the airfiter & seprated into the two halves. How do I clean it out the two halves? Should I just blow out w/ compressed air or can I soak in warm water/soap, then let dry?
on my 028s i lightly brush off the outside of the filter after every use. when it gets dirty over time though its ok to soak in warm soapy water and let air dry. be careful using compressed air if the psi is too high that can damage the filter.
....and if using compressed air (lightly), blow ACROSS the filter's surface. Don't blast directly into the mesh, you'll blow out the flocking. I also lightly brush off my filters with a soft brush for daily inspection, will blow out the entire air box with compressed air when doing a maintenance cleaning on saw and every once in while will clean the filters with brake clean to get them like new. Can soak them in soapy water too, dishwasher works well too if you've got one those, just let it dry well before use. Properly maintained air filters will last a long time, get harsh with 'em and they deteriorate quite quickly.:cry:
I use pj1 air filter cleaner. Blue can. Spray on then spray off with hose, dry and use.

How to clean an air filter on an 028.

Hey ADKRANGER,I only got to my favorite place once this summer,Long Lake.Your WZ quote is one of my favorites.I wish Washington would pay attention to it.
Stihls x 4 runners,8 projects.
Huskys x 1.
Echos x 3.
Actually, none of the above posts are correct: the air filters can't be cleaned. Once it's dirty, you need to send the entire saw to a reputable re-builder (I'll send you my address) and then I'll get the saw back to you after firewood heating season is over.

Actually, none of the above posts are correct: the air filters can't be cleaned. Once it's dirty, you need to send the entire saw to a reputable re-builder (I'll send you my address) and then I'll get the saw back to you after firewood heating season is over.


Lots of clowns around here.... LOL:hmm3grin2orange:
Some of them 028's have a wire mesh filter and some are flocked. don't use compressed air on the flocked type. The wire type filters better once it has aliitle crud on it.
I use Purple Cleaner and water, let it soak a day or so. Rinse well, let dry.
What ever you do make certain that the choke flap spring is on the flap and that the small cotter pin is holding the other end. You Don't need to remove the pin to get the filter apart. If the spring is not correct the choke flap will be pulled on, causing the engine to slow.
Takes me a few minutes to clean the filter with the pj1. Never soaked any filters...