How to get rid of down on his luck tree guy?

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Thanks for all of the replies. I guess I am not the only one who deals with deadbeats around here. With regards to being rude or tough or "having a backbone" I am only trying to tread lightly because he seems like the kind of guy who would get back at me if I piss him off. From his ramblings I get that he feels slighted by "everybody" and he pretty much thinks I am out to get him too. I know it sounds crazy but that's because he is.

what would you tell some one else in your spot? probably the same as your hearing. This idiot has control over you until you take back control over yourself.
what would you tell some one else in your spot? probably the same as your hearing. This idiot has control over you until you take back control over yourself.

Wow, I didn't realize I had lost control over myself.:confused:
Wow, I didn't realize I had lost control over myself.:confused:

its just that this bum has you worried that he might get mad and do something if you piss him off so he got you worried. I know from past exp. it will last as long as you let it. tell me I'm wrong
Put him through the chipper!

Only kidding. Seroiously though, I think most people here have had to deal with drunks etc at some stage. The primary thing to get through to this guy is when he is SOBER!

When a sober person has you tell them how their actions have affected you and your family then they think twice next time they're drunk. Remember, a drunk person says what a sober man feels! Make them feel ashamed when they're sober and they'll leave you alone when they're drunk - or at least think twice about it!

Hope this helps.
why not tell him that the world needs a good tree man, and get him to an AA meeting, and tell him if he straightens out his act you may be able to work with him.

He's not a monster, just an addict who needs to learn to help himself.:givebeer: :censored:
why not tell him that the world needs a good tree man, and get him to an AA meeting, and tell him if he straightens out his act you may be able to work with him.

He's not a monster, just an addict who needs to learn to help himself.:givebeer: :censored:

Yes Treeseer, one of your best suggestions yet, I agree. Be firm with this guy about coming over when you are not there, but extend a helping hand to him as well. I quit drinking, went to A.A. a couple of times but could never handle the greater power/totally powerless stuff, but the one saying I used and have used since December 29, 1991 is the best ever. "One day at a time".
Yes Treeseer, one of your best suggestions yet, I agree. .
Nah, all my "save the tree" suggestions were better. :buttkick: They were in line with this one--save the human, save the tree, we're either part of the solution or part of the problem, like Eldridge pointed out.

If that guy sobers up he may become your best associate one day!
to get rid of a drunk!!

this may sound bad but it time he is over start talking about god and invite him to church...he will either never come back or go to church with you...worth a try
I can't say I haven't fallen off the wagon, (sometimes I just plain jump) but I had to give up the drinks for quite awhile. The only thing that worked for me was having nothing left, and no one who wanted to be around me at all. (Still that way, but somehow better off)
Sorry for the ramble, but point is: There is no help for him until he helps himself, or wants to. If you supply him with the ability to perform work, by chipping brush for him you are not only supporting him in his delusion of self=dependance, but also giving him a deluded self-respect, and supporting another drunk treeman giving us all a bad name..(not that we really need his help in this).
A reformed, or rescued drunk is a wonderful thing, but another lowlife in the tree industry just gives credibility to our critics. If you can get him to sober up, you must make him understand his total worthlessness to the world and himself in his present condition, by holding his hands on his jobs and cleaning up his give him an inflated vision of self-worth, and make his road to recovery even less likely.
An angry-at-the-world attitude? Of course...who isn't? For your wife's and your equipment's protection, break all company with this guy until the problem straightens out. Remember everytime you clean up his job, his customer assosciates you with do the math, and form your own conclusions about your image in the community and the respect or business you lose by assosciating with a drunk.
If he comes near your house when you are not there, find him, warn him once, bury him the second time. Never tolerate a threat near your family..what kind of man would? I know I wouldn't. My wife puts up with me everyday...she doesn't need to deal with any crap from someone else.