How to remove several hundred stumps

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Lumberjack said:
Meesterbeeg, I am 293 miles from you.

That is about 243 miles outta our service area. There should be someone nearer to you that grinds stumps.

However, summer is coming up and a trip to the beach would be nice......

I doubt that 300 stumps is worth the drive for us, no offense.

No offense taken :) . There are plenty of guys here to grind stumps, no worry. Just wanted to offer it to you first. They are paying between $100 - $300 per stump. At that price, I could buy a stump grinder and do them myself.
What I would do is purchase a good stump grinder like the RG50 Super and a small excavator. Grind the stumps first to get out the trunk base and center to about 12 inches deep. Then get the excavator to dig out the hole. It would be real easy for a small excavator to do the job then. To just try and dig without weakening the stump by grinding first will cost you big time. I went and ground out a stump for a building contractor who thought he could take it out with a backhoe. He tried for about 3 hours and gave up. I removed the stump in about 1 hour with a little Rayco Jr.
I would submit a bid for standard stump grinding to see if it would win against people with excavators. Sounds like it would not be worth with restoration though.

If i went Koa's route, I would go with a big SP modle

Then there's this