How would you deal with this BOSS?

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I'd go to the guy, have a talk, and if that fails, go to someone higher in the company that will take action and deal with him. calling workers explitives for vagina is WAY beyond unacceptable, its the point where if it were me, I'd probably be kicking his a$$.
File a compaint with someone higher up than you, take a tape of the crap he shouts at you and your coworkers with you as proof when you talk to whoever you're going to deal with, when they hear that, he'll be gone faster than you can say thank you.

I know I wont work with people like that, either I am treated respectfully, or I am gone.
Seriously. I would drop a chunk of wood on him. A big company like that, I'm sure you guys got plenty of insurance.
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if your company is really big than this guy must have a division manager or someone over him. file a complaint, or your office will see people quit in droves and all the hard work the original salesman put into making great contracts will be lost because he has no crew to work them.
i do not allow people to curse or call me names, clients or co-workers. walk off the job. salesmen dont get paid without crews, but good crews can always find side work to get paid.
Absolutely confront this person and explain you will NOT be spoken to in that manner. Respect breeds respect and this nitwit has none and will get none with that attitude. If it is a large company a group greivance is in order. As business is lost because of poor management you and the other workers will suffer, let someone higher up the ladder know what is going on. As for the punching and dropping logs on the dunce, watching him leave in disgrace will have a much better impact and leave a better impression with the bosses upstairs that the employees care about their company and customers.
Good Luck.
guy sounds like a real d#$k!!!! i've run into the same problem before.. several ways to deal with it....
1:tell him ,he's a boss,,, because,,, he's a total idiot!!!!and thats the reason he's out of the field, and in the office!!!!
2: punch him in the head,,,,if he's a bully, he'll leave you alone after that....
3:punch him in the head,,,,he might kick your a$$, but he'll leave you alone after that...
4:punch him in the head,,,,you might get fired,, but at least you got the satisfaction of punching the a$$hole in the head!!!!
5:invite the guy to a game of chain saw catch,,,tape the throttle,,you get first throw...
6: complain to upper management...
7: file a complaint with your state about hostile working conditions...

noboby should have to go to work, and get abused... it's bad enough having to go to work,,,doing your job,, then getting crapped on!!! some of my suggestions might have legal ramifications.....just my two cents,,,if you don't act, it will not stop!!!!
That is shocking! I hardly know what to say! I cant believe you have be able to restrain your self from knocking him the f**k out!

I have had hacks for a boss, and in the end i left. There is other things id rather be doing than going around topping healthy trees, and I'm sure your the same.

Get in contact with ISA, and tell them all about it.

Is the someone higher up the the company chain you can talk to?

First id let him have it, then do the jobs the way you want, hes not the one on the tools so do it your way. Its not your fault he stuffs up quotes.

If still he is not over himself, line up some where else and leave

You have one of those sling shots from sherrill arborist supplies? Try that when he turns around. One good knock in the head might do him so good. No really, I am a female and all of my groundies are guys except for one, and I strive for customer satisfaction 100%. You never know when a customer may be listening or come around the corner. How will there be any referrals from trash talk on the job. That is what most of my business is. I count on it. This guy needs a rude awakening .....quick!!
Lot's of responses, thanks everyone!

I'm a bit sorry that I buried my real inquiry, whether I should look into his ISA certification for recommending spurs on live prunes. Oh well, I can figure that out for myself.


Go high, go low, hit and run or finish him off, I could do any or either.

Spent some short time in stir years ago for a common assault. Even after the police and ambulance responded to the scene, I was still thinking I would be hailed as a hero for stepping in and taking out an idiot who was assaulting a woman.

Neither the police nor the judge saw it my way, I had the option of calling the police, need not have cracked the skull of a useless piece of garbage on my own. (X-rays used in court showed excessive violence. Police could have done better with less harm.)

Decided in my cell that I would not bring force against another man ever again.

It's not worth it.


Several others responded that I should call the higher-ups.

The clearest response I have had from the head office is that they must express their support for their field managers.

It's a lovely cop-out, they will accede that the local offices may make mistakes, but cannot take action on the word of one employee.

I pointed out that over the period of one year, this office has hired nine people, of whom seven have quit.

The upper managers said they were aware of this, it was a great concern, and they would look into it.


And I'm done. Quit.

Like I said I have options.

Won't make a bit of difference to that local office. BS will go on and on.

But I'm out.

A year down the tubes, working for the Brown Stool.

He will lie to others, especially inexperienced young men, and they will (or wont) spur live prunes for him.

I wish there was a way to warn them...

Did not mean that slingshot thing to be violent....just a joke....just like your boss. However, he is no laughing matter. You need not have a boss like that. My guys love me and what we stand for. Good luck
Good luck with your future endeavors. There is always something very satisfying about taking the high road, and walking away from a bad situation such as you have experienced, thus letting them sit and fester without screwing you about. I would think that given the relatively small arborist community the word is already out that brown stool is a jerk.
I think you did the right thing by leaveing.You reported him with no
results and didn't resort to vilonce,Good for you! But if it were me
I'd have put him on his ARS!! the first time he spoke to me that way.
Nobody should every putup with disrespect like that,someday you'll be
Reading paper and see "Employee BEATS BOSS HALF TO DEATH" BS
I'm sure will get his sooner or later.

Good luck In What ever you do! :)

Mike E.
You did the right thing dude, we may joke around about laying him out but the fact is that would get you about six months around here.
Next time the jerk tosses a work order to you, let it hit the dirt. When he says to pick it up, just smile and say "you're the ??????? who tossed, you pick it up." is a sweet and nice tone, never loosing that smile...

A while back, I had a boss who tried testing my manhood in front of a couple other people.

I said:

"Hey, boss, what do you want me to do today?"

He said:

"You are going to do exactly what the F^<% I tell you to do"
<chuckle chuckle>

I looked at him incredulously, saying nothing. I did not want to be insubordinate in front of other employees and one of this young man's friends.

When you immasculate someone in front of their friends, they tend to get very irrational, and the last thing I need was jail time for inspiring a more rational approach.

I waiting until it was just me and him, and I said this:

"Do you know where I've been for the last couple years, A$$ho!#? What you said to me was wrong like a football bat, and I've killed people for less.

I am your employee, and while I enjoy working here, I am nobody's B!+<#. If you ever speak to me like that again, we are going to have some serious and deadly interpersonal issues. It will be a significant emotional event in your life."

I have never seen a look like that on anyone's face as long as I've been alive, and I felt more than a little sorry for scaring the poor guy like that, but he has never spoken to me since with anything less than the respect I am due. I showed up every day, I was respectful of equipment and other coworkers, I did not tolerate laziness from myself and those around me, and so forth.

Since that point, our working relationship improved greatly, and there hadn't been a need for any other "professional counseling sessions" since.

I cannot offer that as advice, just sharing an experience of mine.

Bear in mind that I am not a big guy, I'm skinny and ugly, but sometimes all it takes is just popping someone's bubble and bringing them down to the real world, where it takes a good ten minutes before the cops show up.

There's alot that can be done in ten minutes.

GLad to hear you removed yourself from an ugly situation, now is the time to move on. Hopefully you left with notice and are activly looking for another employer. When interviewed for your next job and asked why did you leave so and so after a year explain the pruning practice and the disrepectful way that clients and staff were treated by the local manager. Hopefully the next employer will respect this and reward accordingly. Good luck.