guy sounds like a real d#$k!!!! i've run into the same problem before.. several ways to deal with it....
1:tell him ,he's a boss,,, because,,, he's a total idiot!!!!and thats the reason he's out of the field, and in the office!!!!
2: punch him in the head,,,,if he's a bully, he'll leave you alone after that....

unch him in the head,,,,he might kick your a$$, but he'll leave you alone after that...

unch him in the head,,,,you might get fired,, but at least you got the satisfaction of punching the a$$hole in the head!!!!
5:invite the guy to a game of chain saw catch,,,tape the throttle,,you get first throw...
6: complain to upper management...
7: file a complaint with your state about hostile working conditions...
noboby should have to go to work, and get abused... it's bad enough having to go to work,,,doing your job,, then getting crapped on!!! some of my suggestions might have legal ramifications.....just my two cents,,,if you don't act, it will not stop!!!!