Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, guys. We'll need it.
Got a picture from my Uncle. This is what Long Beach Island looks like already:
Man; it looks terrible. My weather station has gone off the air, so have to check the Internet for latest developments. Y'all hang in there.
I'm stuck in a 16th floor hotel room in Boston. Kind of a helpless feeling when your only possessions are a few clothes, back pack, and credit card. I don't even have a pocket knife or flashlight! My flight is supposed to go out tomorrow at 9:00, but I'm going to look into renting a car today. At least my saws are ready to go though, 800 miles away!
These little FXXXXing Thugs Are Coming:
I may not have a generator, but I have plenty of ammo. I am better trained and better armed. I promise. :msp_cursing:
Got out briefly yesterday before the worst of the storm rolled in. Here's a shot of the marsh near our new property, taken two hours before high tide:
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Normally that's all grass down below. There is a wood duck house on a pole in the middle of the shot that is normally 4 feet above a regular high tide. No question it was under soon after I took that shot, and we'll see an even higher tide today. The estimates of a 3-6 foot surge for this area seem to be correct. My mother-in-law's house was close to being flooded during yesterday's high tide, and I think she'll get hit today.
Where in VA are you at? Nice looking piece of property!
Thanks -- that new property is on a marsh near the Chickahominy River in Toano. Thankfully the land is about 35 feet above sea level and very well drained, so we're safe from flooding. But boy was it blowing hard today (mostly in spurts). The rain seemed to peak about 4pm, but the winds have picked up noticeably in the last couple hours and seem to be more sustained now. I think for us, the worst of the storm will be over by morning. I will have a lot of cleanup work tomorrow, but thankfully no trees had come down as of sunset.
If you're running a generator outside, make sure you have it chained down. The thieves will steal it if you don't.