Husky 346 NE Echo 501

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Guy I traded 4910 to said 4910 fastener same length as 501 used for handle.

So didn’t need shorten like 490 did. To use metal 501 handle
The black rear grip on 4910 is black plastic like on all saws I have ever known.

But the 501 offers rubber coated over metal there if you notice any vibrations there too.


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Project packrat 346 tester for aftermarket topends. Just for kicks.

I decided not to clean up the ports or beveling. As I wanted to se what joe homeowner would try by him self.
44.3 warhawk that also looks just like Dukes one he offers.

She lives. Thats a start anyways.


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Oh forgot to get a air filter. 🤦‍♂️🤣😎✌️

Made around 10 cuts and impressed with stock 44.3 aftermarket cylinder.

Pulled carb for a rebuild kit afterwards.
Wish had done it while saw was apart or it's tank vent acting up. :cheers:


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4910 I traded to guy. Told him about better 501 set up handles. = Was out giving my 4910 a bit of a workout in the wood pile today.

Swapped back to the plastic handle to see if there really was a big difference in felt vibration between it and the alloy grab handle.

Running them back to back I'll tell you there's easily less vibration with the alloy handle! Great little saw for sure!


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Just a quick question please? What is it that is a problem with the acetate diaphragm. I just rebuilt a Zama carb and the kit had the clear diaphragm. Should I change it? Saw runs perfectly now after the rebuild.
Just a quick question please? What is it that is a problem with the acetate diaphragm. I just rebuilt a Zama carb and the kit had the clear diaphragm. Should I change it? Saw runs perfectly now after the rebuild.
Did you read the pic I posted. If it works for you fine. Just read it and see the LOW.

I prefer tan 1st, then rubber 2nd and only if no choice will I use that acetate one.

@huskihl may have a input since he does ported stuff.


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Hate the acetate plastic ones. Seen them in blue, clear and black.
Not looking for a debate... just sharing.

Ime, the Zama kits are typically Acetate & function fine. But honestly only kitted 4-5 Zama carb & use Acetate as common to OE or Stens kits. I've been told Rubberized pump diaphragms will prime faster if using ethanol-free fuel. So prefer Rubberized pump diaphragm in my Tillotson kits. Yes, Teflon are more durable to Ethanol. YMMV.

Love or Hate It following source. This guy attempts to provide unbiased comparison of Pump Diaphragm material choices (UK, TheRepairSpecalist)

Just to show all aftermarket stuff isn’t the same sometimes. Cover buckle.

I had grabbed some parts from HL and noticed how off the orange clamp was for project packrat. Didn’t care because it was that saw. They are way way off. Front left on saw.

Just got a order from Jes and Scott at bluesaws. Look how close their ones are to oem orange compared to that way off ones HL sells.

Just so you know if doing a nicer husky.

Only like 2 bucks a piece instead of 10 oem.


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Packrat made from several different saws and tester for aftermarket topends.

Have 2 aftermarket carb kits In route and
I also have oem kit ordered.

So I dug in my kits today and found a new CTS aftermarket kit and so far passed testing. It had only acetate one offered, unlike the oem kit. So in it went. Tired of waiting.

Was hoping just carb acting up.

That 44.3 afm at end of first tank starting 2.


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Going to test this packrat 346 44.3 afm mm against my 501 mm. Will be using same C33 325 chain on both saws.

It's the one that somehow out cut the last OEM cylinder 44.3 NE 346 I rebuilt and sold. Couldn't tell it till timed the cuts. Surprised a bunch of us.

That should tell me how close this afm 44.3mm is out of the box.


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Echo 501

Even took the trufuel 40:1 out of the 501 I was testing it with. Never a issue and never changed tune.

So same batch of Efree 89 40:1 VPracing oil mix in both saws.

Same C33 325 will be on both.


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Frozen maple 9x8 3/4. The 346 only started 2nd tank on aftermarket 44.3mm set.
Out of the box untouched.

Echo 501 is one that out cut my last oem 346 NE.
I have not timed anything yet. But going to say 501 on this match felt ahead. When ran the OEM cylinder saw last match I didn’t think that. But 501 was quicker then too

Next in line to probably test.

Looking at 45mm cylinders that the transfers are made like the 346 cylinder. Thinking might be my next test cylinder on Packrat 346.

Corey showed me one and it peeked my interest.

So far I see Meteor 45mm. Hyway Nikasil 45mm. I swear those 2 look identical.

Then I see Hyway Titanikel 45mm pop up and Hyway Nikasil pop up.

Is there others made like this I missed?

Has anyone already tested these with any feedback?

Wondering if better out of the box then the 44.3mm Dukes and Warhawk?


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