New Member
I'm due to replace my Husky 346XP chain this weekend and would like inputs from other owners in regards to what chain to use. I'm running the Husky H30 95VP .325 .50 chain on an 18" bar (saw is stock). From my experience (and I could be wrong) the 95VP chain is a fast cutting chain but it's hard to keep sharp compared to other chains I have used on my old green poulon. Has anyone converted from the 95VP to the 33LG chain and if so what were the benefits/disadvantages. I am cutting a five cord lot starting this weekend for the next four weeks which consists of oak, birch and maple (most 10" in diameter with some 15" trees). Anyways your chain input would be appreciated. Am I better of sticking with the 95VP or is the 33LG a better way to go?
Tom in CT
Tom in CT