New Member
Hello all, been searching for an answer, I have seen a number of possible solutions, just not much feedback afterwards to know what worked for others. Anyway, have a 2010 husqvarna 445. This saw probably has 4-5 hours run time on it, total. Starts easily, runs great for a cut or two, then bogs and dies. Won't restart until it completely cools, then same thing again. Getting good spark, even after it dies. Visual inspection of fuel lines look good. Just today I tried opening up the muffler a bit, drilled 3 3/16 holes and backed off the H screw about a 1/4 turn. No improvement. Have tried opening gas cap, nothing. Fuel is supposed to be ethenol free, don't know if I trust the place, but my old tractor hasn't had any problems lately and it REALLY doesn't like ethenol. Plus I use stabil in the gas w/mix. Gas is less than a month old. I haven't cleaned or rebuilt carb, guess that's on the to-do list. It just doesn't make much sense to me that it would run fine until hot if it were carb. I've tried running it without plastic top cover to see if it would run cooler, nope. I'm really frustrated with it! Any thoughts on what I should be looking for? I have a coworker with the same saw, and his does exact same thing, he just broke down and got a stihl, but I don't want to spend the coin! Any help would be MOST appreciated!